In the mood for balikkkkkkkkk...
this thing happened last saturday. tapi baru nak post hari ni sebab lepas balik je dari function tu terus takde masa. busy busy busy manjang.
hmm wokeh cerita dari mula yer. sabtu lepas aku ade satu function di tempat yang berada lebih kurang 40 minit perjalanan dari rumah di hari lebuhraya mrr2 & kesas & silk kurang sesak. tempat itu berada di tepi tasik besar buatan manusia. aheh. nama tempat itu ialah kelab tasik putrajaya. :P (abih la kantoi dengan kawan2 seopis...heh)
sampai sana quite early. konon nak prektis (bagi yang tatau, aku kena buat performance pada itu hari). tapi bila sampai sana ape pun belom redi. laslas bila dah nak start function baru la buleh nak buat mock perf. tu pun satu lagu je.
event start lambat. puncanya ramai yang sesat jalan. maklomlah venue tukar last minute. kalau buat kat tempat yang dicadangkan memula tu kan senang. tapi tukar, alasannye ramai yang kate jauh sangat. hm. dah kasi dekat tak datang pun jugak. piirah.
blablabla mc2 bercerita. yang hebatnye mc perempuan sungguh la dull. tak enthusiastic langsung. terase seperti baik aku je yang jadi mc. tapi hmmm tak de punye depan nak amek orang cam aku ni jadik mc.
first perf by ass. manager. nari tarian buluh. ala yang lompat2 tu. takde la menarik sangat, tapi tak de la terlepas mata menengok kaki diorang ade sangkut tak kat buluh. kalau ade kan naye. tak pun musti ade orang gelak sakan.
lepas tu kasi reward. dah nama event pun rewards and recognitions.
lepas tu perf menari2. geng2 depa la. yang beh nye, konon theme tarian tu fusion. tapi macam lagi banyak depa punye style je. nari untuk lagu michael jackson yang depa guna tu tak jadi pon nari fusion. baik letak je "our traditional & modern dance". menyampah nengok depa meliuk2 macam ulo kena sawan. tapi ade sorang ni memang moves dia cun la. tak menyampah nengok.
lepas tu kasi cert zero mc pulak. aku ade la dapat jugak.
lepas tu makannn. tapi aku tak makan lagi taim tu. sebabnye kena siap sedia untuk perf aku lepas tu. seram sejuk jugak. lepas tukau baju, buat la last minute rehearsal. sekali organizer cakap turn aku kul 6. so dalam sejam yang diorang sedap melantak tu, aku ngan nizam ngan ho dengan gabranye prektis.
laslas turn kitorang perform. ade la jugak sora tak sampai masa nyanyi first song (stand by me) - darah gemuruh woo. tapi yg paling highlighted sekali ialah bila dah kat tengah2 lagu tu, si ho terlepas pulak marakas kecik yang dia pegang tu. gabra kot. aku pun tersedak le menahan gelak. kontrol woo.
lepas tu 2nd song (ikhlas tapi jauh) pulak, aku dah cool down sket la. kurang gabra. sekali nizam ni yang masa prektis main gitar macam cool je buleh pulak terlari note. hai lahai. tapi overall bagi aku yang buat performance tu okeh la. tatau la overall orang lain pulak.
lepas perf, masih lagi darah gemuruh. makan pun macam takleh nak makan. sementara tu sambung membagi rewards.
lepas makan aku gi tukau baju. lepas tukau baju grup execs yang las skali perform. buat cam medley lagu2 bungaks. tapi cam kelakar la. jadik laa.
lepas tu rewards lagi.
las performance dari senior management. nyanyi we will rock you. klakarrrr siot.
sambung lagi bagi rewards and certs.
pastu aku menelepon kengkawan aku yang berada di dataran putrajaya. sementara itu di pentas diorang mengajor 2 senior management menari tarian buluh.
lepas tu.. habihhhhh. kengkawan aku pun datang. balikkk...
[added 01/08/07 0237 hrs]
nengok la budak gemuk ni menyanyi (courtesy of aishah ansari)
p/s sound and pic quality ade kureng sket. acceptable la kalau amek dari digital cam ye dak.
Stand By Me
Ikhlas Tapi Jauh
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Monday, July 30
Thursday, July 26
Honda: The Power of Dreams
suka beno nengok iklan honda di bawah ini... sebab black+white+red+cartoonish. wish i have the same creative mind of the designers...
Honda: The Power of Dreams
Honda: The Power of Dreams
Gold in Film category at Cannes Lions 2007
Agency: Villarrosas, Barcelona, Spain
Creative Directors: Oriol Villar, Fernando Codina
Copywriter: Miguel Angel Elizalde
Illustrator: Brosmind
Producer: Melanie Andrada
Account Supervisor: Albert Lopez
Advertiser’s Supervisors: Roger Solergibert, Natalia Sagales
Blogged with Flock
Monday, July 23
Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows
Winamp playin' Cry Eye by Son Dambi
I just love happy ending. But this one is far more awesome than the previous books!
Baruuu je tammat abih baca buku HP7 ni. Tak sangka pulak dapat jugak membeli buku ni on the release date itself! Dah le dapat yang adult version punye cover... lagi le serunduts! And, no guessing where I got my copy of that book. Just say luck's by my side, ok? :snickers:
Jalan cerite takyah nak cite la yer, nanti spoils your mood to read the book pulak. All you have to know that this last instalment of the HP saga ends well. Dan juga banyak misteri sudah terbongkar.. yahahaha misteri ape tu, kena la baca sendiri. Yang penting, Snape bukan orang jahat muhahahahahahahahahahaha :P
I'm very glad I bought the book (despite the dissapointing HP5 movie..) and manage to read it to the very end of the very last page in just two days (if you count the time I bought the book (10:00 pm on the 21st) and the disturbance caused by my bro and also the extended sleeping time caused by a feverish feeling). Never had this excitement before when reading the Order and the Prince. And I actually anticipated the movie for this one! Hahaha siap buleh bayang lagi, nasib baik pegi nengok movie HP5 walaupun tak bape beh bagi aku. Buleh imagine muka luna lovegood, cho chang, ginny weasly, neville longbottom, draco and the gang, and not forgetting harry and his gang bila dah umo 17 tahun.
Ape tunggu lagi? Pegi la beli cepat (kalau jumpa la) kalau korang suka ngan HP saga ni! Have fun reading!
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
I just love happy ending. But this one is far more awesome than the previous books!
Baruuu je tammat abih baca buku HP7 ni. Tak sangka pulak dapat jugak membeli buku ni on the release date itself! Dah le dapat yang adult version punye cover... lagi le serunduts! And, no guessing where I got my copy of that book. Just say luck's by my side, ok? :snickers:
Jalan cerite takyah nak cite la yer, nanti spoils your mood to read the book pulak. All you have to know that this last instalment of the HP saga ends well. Dan juga banyak misteri sudah terbongkar.. yahahaha misteri ape tu, kena la baca sendiri. Yang penting, Snape bukan orang jahat muhahahahahahahahahahaha :P
I'm very glad I bought the book (despite the dissapointing HP5 movie..) and manage to read it to the very end of the very last page in just two days (if you count the time I bought the book (10:00 pm on the 21st) and the disturbance caused by my bro and also the extended sleeping time caused by a feverish feeling). Never had this excitement before when reading the Order and the Prince. And I actually anticipated the movie for this one! Hahaha siap buleh bayang lagi, nasib baik pegi nengok movie HP5 walaupun tak bape beh bagi aku. Buleh imagine muka luna lovegood, cho chang, ginny weasly, neville longbottom, draco and the gang, and not forgetting harry and his gang bila dah umo 17 tahun.
Ape tunggu lagi? Pegi la beli cepat (kalau jumpa la) kalau korang suka ngan HP saga ni! Have fun reading!
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Wednesday, July 18
Tuesday, July 17
How Long Do You Need To Boil Water?
In the mood for laksa@oldtown
20 minutes?
10 minutes?
5 minutes?
1 minute?
The correct answer is 0. Yes, zero minute.
As soon as the water reaches its boiling point, it's safe.
Read more here:
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
20 minutes?
10 minutes?
5 minutes?
1 minute?
The correct answer is 0. Yes, zero minute.
As soon as the water reaches its boiling point, it's safe.
Read more here:
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Wednesday, July 11
Five good responses for telemarketers or collection agencies
(Answers taken from Merlin's 5ives)
1. I’m sorry, but what does this have to do with human sacrifice?
2. Seriously, will you still be this interested in me after we’ve dated for a while?
3. Would you be able to tell if I were defecating right now?
4. I am French. Your money means nothing to me.
5. I can smell your panties through the phone.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
1. I’m sorry, but what does this have to do with human sacrifice?
2. Seriously, will you still be this interested in me after we’ve dated for a while?
3. Would you be able to tell if I were defecating right now?
4. I am French. Your money means nothing to me.
5. I can smell your panties through the phone.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Five guesses at the number you’re thinking of right now
1. 11
2. 1
3. 10
4. 8
5. you’re not thinking of a number.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
2. 1
3. 10
4. 8
5. you’re not thinking of a number.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Five words I suspect have never been used to describe me
1. Bootylicious
2. Gigantic
3. Supermodel
4. Soft-spoken
5. Party-goer
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
2. Gigantic
3. Supermodel
4. Soft-spoken
5. Party-goer
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Five things I hated about working in an office
In the mood for shredding
1. office politics.
2. people talking about office politics.
3. sharing a non-heavy-duty printer with people who prints a lot at a time.
4. gossips.
5. travelling to the office.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
1. office politics.
2. people talking about office politics.
3. sharing a non-heavy-duty printer with people who prints a lot at a time.
4. gossips.
5. travelling to the office.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Tuesday, July 10
Wednesday, July 4
Kebosanan yang teramat.
In the mood for Apo nak dikato by blues gang
tengah bosan giler ni. mengantuk pun ade. maklomlah keje dah abih dah (buat ari ni). nak pegi surf2 kat kiosk bawah ni, karang banyak orang plak (i know, but i like to use 'banyak' than 'ramai', stop complaining okay!), pc pulak ade yang tak leh nak pakai. nak klua gi makan2, tak de kerendaan pulak. nak gi kaco mereka2 yang kat level bawah ni, depa busy pulak. kalau tak busy tak pe la jugak. kalau buleh nak je gi tido. heh heh heh.
alang2 dah masuk bulan 7 ni, mari kita recap aktiviti aku sepanjang bulan 6 (mmg kes tak de idea la ni!)
1/ nengok drama negara2 timur yang berikut:
2/ nengok anime2 berikut:
3/ nengok mubie berikut:
4/ aktibiti paranormal (for me)
5/ aktibiti yang diplan tapi tak dilaksana (NATO)
ha... tu je la kot buat masa ni. tak leh nak pikir lagi dah. maklomlah dah ngantuk.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy

alang2 dah masuk bulan 7 ni, mari kita recap aktiviti aku sepanjang bulan 6 (mmg kes tak de idea la ni!)
1/ nengok drama negara2 timur yang berikut:
i/ witch yoo hee (korean) - tak beh. tak abih pun nengok.
ii/ snow white a.k.a taste sweet love (korean) - tak abih nengok jugak, sebab sub untuk satu episod ni lari, terus ilang minat nak abihkan nengok. tapi takpe jugak sebenanye sebab dah abih nengok dah dulu.
iii/ bad family (korean) - cite beh ni! sebab bermesej kekeluargaan. dan juga banyak scene kelakar.
iv/ trick (1, 2, 3) (japanese) - serunduts sebab dapat jugak menengok cite ni setelah sekian lama mencarik kat kotaraya. nengok online la tapi. tak koserr nak mendunlut sebab jumpa source torrent je, tak banyak peers/seeds pulak tu.
2/ nengok anime2 berikut:
i/ death note - dah abih dah! koleksi dah lengkap! yatta! serunduts serunduts!
ii/ es21 - nengok online. malas nak dl dah sebab lambat sangat fansub release nak klua.
iii/ naruto shippuuden - macam malas nak nengok. tapi lagu intro beh giler. ape nama yer? aa "heroes come back" tajuknye. kena carik mp3 nih.
iv/ bleach - dah kurang hingin nak mengikut sejak masuk filler balik nih. grr geram.
v/ lovely complex - sampai nombot 12 dah kot. beh anime ni tapi fansub release dia cam tak cantek, kena dl balik release yang cantik pulak.
vi/ yamato nadeshiko shichi henge - dah nengok episod yang 2nd last. tunggu last episode je ni. nanti baru la serunduts!
vii/ kekkaishi - next episode ni akan masuk bab ayakashi yang berpusing2 tu. beh jugak sebenanye anime ni. lukisan pun cantik.
3/ nengok mubie berikut:
i/ oceans 13 - lepas nengok o11 & o12 terus suka, so beriye la pegi nengok cite ni.
ii/ ... tak ingat dah. tapi ade la nengok spidey, pirates n... tah. tak nengok wayang sangat bulan lepas. rasenye la.
4/ aktibiti paranormal (for me)
i/ kalaoke - tak pernah2 dibuat orang (aku je) tetibe je gatai berkalaoke.
ii/ drive sampai opis - finally! lepas ni jadi aktibiti normal la kot... tapi akan jarang2 dibuat. semua pasal lagi beh tido dalam DTS on the way to/back from work.
iii/ belanje kat tesco lebih dari rm100+ (selalu tak sampai) - ni kes beli kasut konon nak gi tgk okestra la... beli sekali 2 pasang (untuk adekku sekali la.. aku tak de la segreedy tu :P)
iv/ tak singgah kedai KK langsung on the way balik rumah lepas keje. paranormal la tu. selalu singgah membeli eskrem ke gitu2.
v/ beli cda - green day. cda lama lak tu!
vi/ mendunlut vidiu ke dalam henpon - selalu tak buat sebab saiz vidiu besar, memory stick aku kecik.
vii/ membeli leptop.
5/ aktibiti yang diplan tapi tak dilaksana (NATO)
i/ gi genting beramai2.
ii/ gi kenduri kawen umi kat 'ganu/ipoh
iii/ lepak bersama matt riz selepas keje
iv/ gi melaka - konon nak tup akaun la.
v/ gi singapura/labuan - nak coti2 la konon.
vi/ repair pc
vii/ beli hd & ram baru.
viii/ nengok okestra
ix/ buat acumen online (berkaitan ngan keje aku)
x/ belaja mel punye rec dengan bersungguh2 (berkaitan ngan keje aku)
ha... tu je la kot buat masa ni. tak leh nak pikir lagi dah. maklomlah dah ngantuk.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
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