In the mood for azam baru tahun baru
dicopy sebijik sebijon dari blog acik lela yang mula2 :)
From The Office of Imam
Masjid Kampung Siglap Singapore
Antara Amalan Pada Bulan Muharram
1) Puasa Asyura (10 Muharram)
Diriwayatkan daripada Ibn Abbas, "Sewaktu Nabi SAW tiba di Madinah, baginda mendapati bahawa orang-orang Yahudi berpuasa pada Hari Asyura'. Apabila ditanya, mereka menjawab, "Hari ini adalah hari kemenangan. Hari ini adalah hari dimana Allah SWT menyelamatkan Bani Israil daripada musuh-musuh mereka lalu Nabi Musa as berpuasa pada hari tersebut.
Nabi SAW kemudian bersabda, "Maka aku lebih berhak dengan Nabi Musa daripada kamu".
Baginda lalu berpuasa dan mengarahkan (para sahabat) untuk turut berpuasa."
Maka dianjurkan bagi kita supaya berpuasa sunat pada Hari Asyura' iaitu pada 10 hb Muharram.
Tujuan kita berpuasa adalah sebagai mengikut sunnah Nabi SAW berpuasa yang berpuasa pada hari tersebut.
Diampunkan dosa-dosa yang dilakukan selama setahun yang lalu.
Nabi SAW bersabda, "Puasa pada Hari Arafah dapat menghapuskan dosa setahun sebelum dan setahun sesudahnya.
Adapun puasa Hari Asyura pula, dapat menghapuskan dosa setahun sebelumnya"
2) Puasa Thosu'ah (9 Muharram)
Selain daripada puasa pada hari Asyura (10 Muharram), umat Islam juga disunatkan berpuasa pada Hari Thosu'ah iaitu 9 Muharram (atau sehari sesudahnya 11hb Muharram).
Nabi SAW bersabda, "Berpuasalah pada Hari Asyura dan perbezakan (diri kalian) dengan org2 Yahudi dengan berpuasa juga sehari sebelum atau sesudahnya".
Persoalan & Perbincangan
Adakah kita disunatkan berpuasa sunat pada 1 Muharram?
Kita tidak disunatkan untuk berpuasa sunat pada 1hb Muharram kecuali sekiranya hari itu jatuh pada Hari Isnin atau Khamis dan memang telah menjadi amalan kebiasaan kita untuk berpuasa pada setiap Hari Isnin dan Khamis.
Maka sekiranya demikian, kita berpuasa sebagai puasa sunat Hari Khamis.
Adakah doa-doa tertentu yang disunatkan untuk dibaca pada awal dan akhir tahun dan apakah fadhilat-fadhilatnya?
Secara umumnya, umat Islam memang digalakkan agar sentiasa memperbanyakkan doa di dalam menjalani kehidupan ini.
Namun, tiada doa khusus yang disunatkan untuk dibaca pada Awal atau Akhir Tahun.
Begitu juga, fadhilat-fadhilat membaca doa tersebut yang masyur sebenarnya bukanlah daripada kata-kata Rasulullah SAW.
Antara fadhilat yang tidak benar tetapi tersebar dengan meluas adalah sebagai berikut:
***** ***** *****
Sesiapa yang membaca Doa Akhir Tahun (yang telah disediakan ini), syaitan akan berkata :
"Kesusahan bagiku dan sia-sia lah pekerjaanku menggoda anak Adam pada setahun ini dan Allah binasakan aku
satu saat jua. Dengan sebab membaca doa ini, Allah ampunkan dosanya setahun"
Sesiapa yang membaca Doa Awal Tahun ini, Syaitan berkata:
"Telah amanlah anak Adam ini daripada godaan pada tahun ini kerana Allah telah mewakilkan dua Malaikat memeliharanya daripada fitnah Syaitan".
***** ***** *****
Al Imam Abu Syamah, Jamaluddin al-Qhasimy, Muhammad Abdus Salam as-Shuqairy dan Dr. Bakr Abu Zaid didalam
kitab-kitab mereka menyatakan bahawa doa awal dan akhir tahun tidak tsabit daripada Nabi SAW, para sahabat, atau para Taabiin.
Bahkan mereka menyatakan bahawa fadhilat doa ini tidak terdapat didalam kitab-kitab hadith yang bersanad atau kitab-kitab hadith maudhu’aat (palsu).
Mereka menekankan bahawa dakwaan tentang fadhilat doa itu sememangnya adalah palsu dan bukan daripada Rasulullah SAW.
Namun, perkara sebegini tidaklah harus menjadikan sebab perpecahan dikalangan umat islam.
Kita secara umumnya memang di galakkan untuk memperbanyakkan doa.
Sesiapa yang ingin berdoa pada waktu-waktu tertentu, bolehlah melakukannya asalkan tidak meng'itiqadkan dengan itiqad-itiqad yang salah.
Wallahu 'alam
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Tuesday, January 31
Monday, January 30
1 Muharram 1427.
pejam celik pejam celik dahh masuk tahun baru (Islam). rase macam baru je ari tu aku buat entry 1 Muharram 1426. cepat tul masa berlalu. heh heh heh
azam tahun lepas macam tak terlaksana je.. tapi satu yg sure, aku berjaya mengekalkan keje aku heh heh. jadi azam tahun ni, nak jadi lebih baik dr tahun lepas. yg tu je la buleh cakap kat sini. azam yang lain kalau aku letak sini takut tak terlaksana. so aku letak kat blog aku yang lain harharhar (teka la bape banyak blog yang aku maintain :P).
okeh nak gi makan malam n siap2 gi keje. taaa
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
pejam celik pejam celik dahh masuk tahun baru (Islam). rase macam baru je ari tu aku buat entry 1 Muharram 1426. cepat tul masa berlalu. heh heh heh
azam tahun lepas macam tak terlaksana je.. tapi satu yg sure, aku berjaya mengekalkan keje aku heh heh. jadi azam tahun ni, nak jadi lebih baik dr tahun lepas. yg tu je la buleh cakap kat sini. azam yang lain kalau aku letak sini takut tak terlaksana. so aku letak kat blog aku yang lain harharhar (teka la bape banyak blog yang aku maintain :P).
okeh nak gi makan malam n siap2 gi keje. taaa
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Saturday, January 28

tengah layan citer ni skrang ni. goong ni maknanya palace/istana. cite dia pasal sorang budak pompuan biasa yang kawin dengan sorang putera mahkota disebabkan perjanjian dua sahabat baik - datuk si putera dan datuk si budak pompuan. oleh kerana baru je nengok sampai episod 4, jadi takleh nak kasi sinopsis panjang lagik. yg nyatanya cite ni tak de la 100% ikut manhwa dia. tapi sungguh menarik.
yoon eunhye sebagai shin chaegyung (budak pompuan biasa)
joo jihoon sebagai lee shin (putera mahkota)
kim junghoon sebagai lee yul (kezen putera mahkota merangkap putera mahkota asal yang turun takhta dan suka kat chae-gyung)
song jihyo sebagai min hyorin (budak pompuan biasa yang suka kat shin)
trivia pelakon pulak:
1. eunhye penyanyi kumpulan baby vox
2. jihoon model
3. junghoon penyanyi kumpulan UN
4. jihyo blakon citer wishing stairs
5. junghoon lagi sesuai jadi shin dari segi appearance tapi tak cukup ssagaji (bratty la lebih kurang, tak pon menyampah)
6. jihoon tak cukup ssagaji langsung jadik shin. tapi baru episod 4 kan.
dah tu je. info pasal cite ni: klik sini. gambar pelakon pun ade.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Sunday, January 22
HelloMoto (R)
In the mood for Lonely in Gorgeous by TommyFebruary6

meet my new moto v360. heh heh heh. tgh promotion, so beli la. dekat sg wang plaza. semalam lepas keje trus gi sana tuh! sebenanye b4 ni teringin sangat model v3, tapi lepas nampak v360 kat digi terase macam nak yg ni pulak. lepas tu bila sampai kedai motorola tu masih ade doubt lagi, tapi bila dah kompem v3 walaupun cantik tapi lebar (dan bentuk agak cacat bila dibuka), trus tak beralih arah dah. blablablayadayada, dan aku pun berjaya membeli v360. harharhar :P
ni aku amek gambar ni as soon aku sampai rumah. bukan la nak kate excited, tapi sebab 3300 aku dulu tak sempat aku amek gambar dia langsung. takleh nak rindu harhar :P kot la karang aku tak sempat amek gambar v360 ni pulak nyesal nanti. heh.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy

meet my new moto v360. heh heh heh. tgh promotion, so beli la. dekat sg wang plaza. semalam lepas keje trus gi sana tuh! sebenanye b4 ni teringin sangat model v3, tapi lepas nampak v360 kat digi terase macam nak yg ni pulak. lepas tu bila sampai kedai motorola tu masih ade doubt lagi, tapi bila dah kompem v3 walaupun cantik tapi lebar (dan bentuk agak cacat bila dibuka), trus tak beralih arah dah. blablablayadayada, dan aku pun berjaya membeli v360. harharhar :P
ni aku amek gambar ni as soon aku sampai rumah. bukan la nak kate excited, tapi sebab 3300 aku dulu tak sempat aku amek gambar dia langsung. takleh nak rindu harhar :P kot la karang aku tak sempat amek gambar v360 ni pulak nyesal nanti. heh.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Tuesday, January 17
Love Parade * ラヴ・パレード *
In the mood for Love Parade by Orange Range
(taken from mognet)
ashita ore n chi kuru tte sa kimi ga ikinari iu kara sa
konna jikan kara souji tanoshikatta kyou no kaeri michi
futo omoidashi warai shizen to ni yakeru gozen yo ji
nugippa nashi no kutsushita ya hokori mamire no hondana
dou yara asa made kakacchaisou da na konya wa
nomenai burakku koohii nemuke samashi ni ikki ni nomi
kimi no waratta toki ni hosoku naru me warai goe chiccha na te tonikaku subete ga
ore wo ugokashite n da yo
uradoori kimi wo omoi kyou mo sugiteku
kokoro de kimi wo dakishimeru ima wa sukoshi dake ai wo shinjireru
dare ka ga iru kara tsuyoku natte yuku kodoku da to shite mo
soshite ima boku wa dare ka no tame ni iru n da
Oh beibee kono basho de kimi to deai Oh beibee kimi no egao tomo no atooshi wo
Oh beibee chikara ni kae tsuki susume Oh beibee kimi to boku no ravu paraeedo
kimi no hitomi wo miru tabi fushigi na kimochi ni natteku
yasashikattari setsunakattari
haru ka tooku no ginga ni tsutsumarete iru you na
totemo igokochi yokute itsu made mo mitsumete itai
tsuki akari boku wo terashi hagemashite kureru
kokoro de kimi wo mitsumeteru soba ni iru dake de ai wo kanjireru
kotoba ni dekinai sunao ni narenai bukiyou ni boku nari ni
zutto kore kara mo nigitta te dake wa hanasanai kara
Oh beibee kono basho de kimi to deai Oh beibee kimi no egao tomo no atooshi wo
Oh beibee chikara ni kae tsuki susume Oh beibee kimi to boku no ravu paraeedo
kokoro de kimi wo dakishimeru ima wa sukoshi dake ai wo shinjireru
dare ka ga iru kara tsuyoku natte yuku kodoku da to shite mo
soshite ima boku wa dare ka no tame ni iru n da
ippo mo fumi dasenakatta kizutsuku koto wo tada osoreta n da
konna jibun da kara nante nayande kuyande yande dasu kotae
terasu hi wa mabushikute kabe ga aru you de setsunakute taerenaku egaku e naku nigeru ore ni
kimi wa te sashi nobete makenai de tte soko de ore yatto kizuita "kabe" nanka nakatta
jibun de tsukutta mon datta kimi ni fure kokoro furueru kimochi afureru mou namida nugue
mijuku de mo susume mae e
Oh beibee kono basho de kimi to deai Oh beibee kimi no egao tomo no atooshi wo
Oh beibee chikara ni kae tsuki susume Oh beibee kimi to boku no ravu paraeedo
All of the sudden you said that tomorrow, you'll come to my place
So from this time on I've been cleaning, and my way home today was really fun
All of the sudden I think of you and smile, and spontaneously I'm got a big grin at 4 in the morning
I leave my socks lying around, and my bookshelf is covered with dust
Somehow it seems like from this morning on, time has been dragging
Tonight I gulp down some black coffee, that I normally can't drink, to keep me awake
Your eyes get thin when you smile, your laughing voice, your small hands...anyway
All of those things moved me
On a back street, thinking of you, today passes that way too
I hold you with my heart, now I can believe in love a little bit
I become tough because someone is here, even though I'm lonely
And now I exist for someone
Oh baby, this is the place that we meet at; Oh baby, your smile, my friends urging me on
Oh baby, it changes into strength, push forward; Oh baby, it's our love parade
When I look into your eyes, I get these strange feelings
They're gentle, and painful
It's like I'm being wrapped up in the far away galaxy
They're very comforting and nice, so I always wait to gaze into your eyes
The moonlight shines on me, and I'm encouraged
I gaze at you with my heart; just by having you at my side, I can feel love
I can't put anything into words, I can't be myself, I've become clumsy
From now on, I'll never let go of your hand that I've grasped
Oh baby, this is the place that we meet at; Oh baby, your smile, my friends urging me on
Oh baby, it changes into strength, push forward; Oh baby, it's our love parade
I hold you with my heart, now I can believe in love a little bit
I become tough because someone is here, even though I'm lonely
And now I exist for someone
I couldn't take a step forward, I was afraid of being hurt
I'm troubled that that's how I am, it's frustrating, I'm sick, and the answer comes out
The sun shining down is dazzling; I feel opressed, as though there's a wall, I can't bear it; there's no picture to be painted within me, who runs away
You reach out your hands, and say "don't give up"; there, I finally noticed that there was no "wall"
I made something within myself; you touch me, my heart shakes, my feelings overflow, wipe away the tears again
Let's move forward, even though we're inexperienced
Oh baby, this is the place that we meet at; Oh baby, your smile, my friends urging me on
Oh baby, it changes into strength, push forward; Oh baby, it's our love parade
lagu kat atas ni theme song for densha otoko the movie.. sekali dengar dah minat dah, masa tu belom tau pasal cite densa otoko lagik. bila dah nengok citer (drama la), terasa macam sesuai sangat lirik lagu ni ngan citer overall ^___________^ suka suka suka!!
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
(taken from mognet)
ashita ore n chi kuru tte sa kimi ga ikinari iu kara sa
konna jikan kara souji tanoshikatta kyou no kaeri michi
futo omoidashi warai shizen to ni yakeru gozen yo ji
nugippa nashi no kutsushita ya hokori mamire no hondana
dou yara asa made kakacchaisou da na konya wa
nomenai burakku koohii nemuke samashi ni ikki ni nomi
kimi no waratta toki ni hosoku naru me warai goe chiccha na te tonikaku subete ga
ore wo ugokashite n da yo
uradoori kimi wo omoi kyou mo sugiteku
kokoro de kimi wo dakishimeru ima wa sukoshi dake ai wo shinjireru
dare ka ga iru kara tsuyoku natte yuku kodoku da to shite mo
soshite ima boku wa dare ka no tame ni iru n da
Oh beibee kono basho de kimi to deai Oh beibee kimi no egao tomo no atooshi wo
Oh beibee chikara ni kae tsuki susume Oh beibee kimi to boku no ravu paraeedo
kimi no hitomi wo miru tabi fushigi na kimochi ni natteku
yasashikattari setsunakattari
haru ka tooku no ginga ni tsutsumarete iru you na
totemo igokochi yokute itsu made mo mitsumete itai
tsuki akari boku wo terashi hagemashite kureru
kokoro de kimi wo mitsumeteru soba ni iru dake de ai wo kanjireru
kotoba ni dekinai sunao ni narenai bukiyou ni boku nari ni
zutto kore kara mo nigitta te dake wa hanasanai kara
Oh beibee kono basho de kimi to deai Oh beibee kimi no egao tomo no atooshi wo
Oh beibee chikara ni kae tsuki susume Oh beibee kimi to boku no ravu paraeedo
kokoro de kimi wo dakishimeru ima wa sukoshi dake ai wo shinjireru
dare ka ga iru kara tsuyoku natte yuku kodoku da to shite mo
soshite ima boku wa dare ka no tame ni iru n da
ippo mo fumi dasenakatta kizutsuku koto wo tada osoreta n da
konna jibun da kara nante nayande kuyande yande dasu kotae
terasu hi wa mabushikute kabe ga aru you de setsunakute taerenaku egaku e naku nigeru ore ni
kimi wa te sashi nobete makenai de tte soko de ore yatto kizuita "kabe" nanka nakatta
jibun de tsukutta mon datta kimi ni fure kokoro furueru kimochi afureru mou namida nugue
mijuku de mo susume mae e
Oh beibee kono basho de kimi to deai Oh beibee kimi no egao tomo no atooshi wo
Oh beibee chikara ni kae tsuki susume Oh beibee kimi to boku no ravu paraeedo
All of the sudden you said that tomorrow, you'll come to my place
So from this time on I've been cleaning, and my way home today was really fun
All of the sudden I think of you and smile, and spontaneously I'm got a big grin at 4 in the morning
I leave my socks lying around, and my bookshelf is covered with dust
Somehow it seems like from this morning on, time has been dragging
Tonight I gulp down some black coffee, that I normally can't drink, to keep me awake
Your eyes get thin when you smile, your laughing voice, your small hands...anyway
All of those things moved me
On a back street, thinking of you, today passes that way too
I hold you with my heart, now I can believe in love a little bit
I become tough because someone is here, even though I'm lonely
And now I exist for someone
Oh baby, this is the place that we meet at; Oh baby, your smile, my friends urging me on
Oh baby, it changes into strength, push forward; Oh baby, it's our love parade
When I look into your eyes, I get these strange feelings
They're gentle, and painful
It's like I'm being wrapped up in the far away galaxy
They're very comforting and nice, so I always wait to gaze into your eyes
The moonlight shines on me, and I'm encouraged
I gaze at you with my heart; just by having you at my side, I can feel love
I can't put anything into words, I can't be myself, I've become clumsy
From now on, I'll never let go of your hand that I've grasped
Oh baby, this is the place that we meet at; Oh baby, your smile, my friends urging me on
Oh baby, it changes into strength, push forward; Oh baby, it's our love parade
I hold you with my heart, now I can believe in love a little bit
I become tough because someone is here, even though I'm lonely
And now I exist for someone
I couldn't take a step forward, I was afraid of being hurt
I'm troubled that that's how I am, it's frustrating, I'm sick, and the answer comes out
The sun shining down is dazzling; I feel opressed, as though there's a wall, I can't bear it; there's no picture to be painted within me, who runs away
You reach out your hands, and say "don't give up"; there, I finally noticed that there was no "wall"
I made something within myself; you touch me, my heart shakes, my feelings overflow, wipe away the tears again
Let's move forward, even though we're inexperienced
Oh baby, this is the place that we meet at; Oh baby, your smile, my friends urging me on
Oh baby, it changes into strength, push forward; Oh baby, it's our love parade
lagu kat atas ni theme song for densha otoko the movie.. sekali dengar dah minat dah, masa tu belom tau pasal cite densa otoko lagik. bila dah nengok citer (drama la), terasa macam sesuai sangat lirik lagu ni ngan citer overall ^___________^ suka suka suka!!
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Saturday, January 14
In the mood for Feel Your Breeze by V6
GOKUSEN [ごくせん]
STARRING: Nakama Yukie, Itoh Misaki, Namase Katsuhisa, Kaneko Ken, Sawamura Kazuki, Utsui Ken, Matsumoto Jun (Arashi), Sawamura Ikki, Oguri Shun, Ishigaki Yuma, Narimiya Hiroki, Waki Tomohiro and Nakazawa Yuko.
THEME SONG: "Feel Your Breeze" by V6
aha... berjaya jugak menengok citer gokusen ni sampai abih.. maklomlah sebelom ni banyak pulak halangan nak menengok secara terus menerus, masa pun sikit je. ari tu memula nengok anime, pinjam dari charon. seronot sungguh versi anime tu, lantas mula la mendunlot versi dorama pulak. tu pon season 1 punye je sebab season 2 punye belom abih sub.
memula masa nengok cite ni, rase tak beh la pulak matsujun jadik shin, n shun jadik ucchi (macam tak kena je), based on the characters in the anime. maklomlah baru je lepas nengok cite hana yori dango (matsujun jadik domyouji (dau ming shi), shun jadik hanazawa (hua zhe lei)), sungguh contras sekali watak mereka berdua dlm cite ni. nakama yukie sesuwei jadik yankumi, walaupon yankumi anime lagik interesting.
cite ni ade sikit macam gto, tapi versi pompuan pulak. yg lagik behnye si yankumi ni sandaime yakuza punye cucu - generasi ke-4 punye ketua (kire yondaime) la dia ni kalau jadik pengganti atuk dia. jadi punye la dia nak kaver dia ni berdarah yakuza. tapi dia nak sangat jadik cikgu, dah cita2 dia dari kecik. dah la pandai berlawan. bes je dia belasah orang jahat yang membelasah anak murid kesayangan dia. heh for more info, baca la kat sini: Gokusen [ごくせん]@
taaaapiiii yang paling buat aku seronot nengok cite ni: sawamura ikki (沢村一樹)!! harharhar :P tak de la nak kate dia ni bes sangat belakon, tapi aku mmg suka nengok dia... dimples dia comel :D
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
GOKUSEN [ごくせん]
STARRING: Nakama Yukie, Itoh Misaki, Namase Katsuhisa, Kaneko Ken, Sawamura Kazuki, Utsui Ken, Matsumoto Jun (Arashi), Sawamura Ikki, Oguri Shun, Ishigaki Yuma, Narimiya Hiroki, Waki Tomohiro and Nakazawa Yuko.
THEME SONG: "Feel Your Breeze" by V6
aha... berjaya jugak menengok citer gokusen ni sampai abih.. maklomlah sebelom ni banyak pulak halangan nak menengok secara terus menerus, masa pun sikit je. ari tu memula nengok anime, pinjam dari charon. seronot sungguh versi anime tu, lantas mula la mendunlot versi dorama pulak. tu pon season 1 punye je sebab season 2 punye belom abih sub.
memula masa nengok cite ni, rase tak beh la pulak matsujun jadik shin, n shun jadik ucchi (macam tak kena je), based on the characters in the anime. maklomlah baru je lepas nengok cite hana yori dango (matsujun jadik domyouji (dau ming shi), shun jadik hanazawa (hua zhe lei)), sungguh contras sekali watak mereka berdua dlm cite ni. nakama yukie sesuwei jadik yankumi, walaupon yankumi anime lagik interesting.
cite ni ade sikit macam gto, tapi versi pompuan pulak. yg lagik behnye si yankumi ni sandaime yakuza punye cucu - generasi ke-4 punye ketua (kire yondaime) la dia ni kalau jadik pengganti atuk dia. jadi punye la dia nak kaver dia ni berdarah yakuza. tapi dia nak sangat jadik cikgu, dah cita2 dia dari kecik. dah la pandai berlawan. bes je dia belasah orang jahat yang membelasah anak murid kesayangan dia. heh for more info, baca la kat sini: Gokusen [ごくせん]@
taaaapiiii yang paling buat aku seronot nengok cite ni: sawamura ikki (沢村一樹)!! harharhar :P tak de la nak kate dia ni bes sangat belakon, tapi aku mmg suka nengok dia... dimples dia comel :D
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Sunday, January 8
Favorism is Not A Malay Thing... Neither Kissing Arse.
In the mood for Believe Me by Fort Minor
after reading Shariza's entry about kissing arses and a CTO's entry about favorism, being working in a majority indian environment, i'd say that not only malay doing such things. it's kinda a global thingie; every person who has a smelly heart (hati busuk) is doing such thing. believe me.
i've been working in first direct like nearly a year. my amo is a non-malay. my mo is a keling (remember my entry about gemuk? i only call indians i hate a keling), my avp is an indian. and my team mate is a keling.
let me first tell you about favorism. my mo is in very good terms with some indians and kelings in our whole family. em, correction, in the whole tranche 3 and 4. and she acts to be in good terms with the non-indians and non-keling (which includes some of the punjabs ok). now, initially, in my earlier days in first direct, this mo of mine always hung out with her friends (that is, the indians and kelings she is in very good terms with. let's call them team e for elites). whenever she came in to work, she no doubt tegur everybody. hello, how are you today, aiseh got food don't wanna give me some aa?, oo you got mcD never give me some aa?, and so on and so forth. but then that's all. when she reached the team e's place, she talked a lot. laughed with them. gave them a hug. just like a family. then came that time. the most incompetent person (she is in team e, tranche 3) was chosen to be an assistant amo for my tranche (that is tranche 4). now, charon might not agree with this, saying something bad to someone from her tranche. but then this was from what i observed yer. let's call this incompetent keling as N. why is she incompetent? 1. she's always on leave. no doubt she has sakit belakang or whatever, but the mc rate is high. 2. she's always kena marah with the trainer (which comes straight from ldsc) because of some reason i don't want to type down here. why was she chosen? the reason my mo gave were 1. she's a senior; she've been working in gsc longer than the rest of us. 2. she did excellent work handling calls. that's all i think. but why aamo (short form for assistant amo) for my tranche? and for the reasons, there's this other person, a chinese, far more better than her, and also a senior. why not her? initially i had no problem with her being my aamo, but gradually i can see her really not competent doing aamo job for our tranche. she didn't know how the team work flows, and yet berlagak macam tau. almost every single person in my tranche pissed off with her (except for my keling team mate and a team e member).
when this mo of mine had to change department, those team e members were all in shock. maklomlah kepala dah takde, tak boleh nak buat suka hati, kena ikut balik rules and regulations. for the rest of the team, bersorak dalam hati! then masuk la my new mo, malay. team morale pun naik sebab she does not apply favorism in her job. sekali bila my new mo nak beranak, kena amek leave, my avp panggil balik this mo suruh jaga whole team. siap plead dekat vp tu. what i can observe kan, that is simply because of favorism. my fren, yang pernah keje ngan that mo, told me that she is loathe by a lot of person. why did my avp plead for her to move back to first direct? favorism. and also, this mo ni nampak cam pandai sangat buat keje. actually dia mmg pandai buat keje. but not all of us like her, because of her attitude and favorism. for N and the rest of the team e, they felt 'alive', they can breathe normally.
now i tell you about kissing arse. my team mate (let's call him shorty) initially was innocent and mild (hah! as if!). easy to get along with everybody. then came this time. N yang malas nak buat keje2 berkaitan T4 (shortform for my tranche 4) started to assign people to do jobs on her behalf. shorty is one of them. and then suddenly, he started to miss his breaks, miss his lunches. when the amo from my team or from the other teams saw him in front of his terminal @ lunch hour, he replied "ni.." with a hand ponting at his monitor. at first i was like, huh rajin tu, considering the volume of work at that time. it turns out to be (another indian collague of mine told me) that he actually waited for the amos to go out, then after 5 minutes he went out (considering the fact that my amos like to eat outside the office area) then he came back before the amos. and acted like he's actually too observed with his job. and then, at times, most of the t4 members would mengumpat2 pasal N or our amo. he would listened, or sometimes butted in. acted like he's also not satisfied. then suddenly N or our amo knows about it. simply said la, nobody else is at very good terms with both of them except for shorty. and recently, shorty received an award for 'most improved gsc'. and we all are like, huh? buat keje pun main2, only i know how many mistakes he have done during the period when he started kissing the upper echelons' arses. sampai some of my t4 members pun tertanya2, i did better work than him, he got the award? diorang tu yg kasi soalan cam tu kat aku. what can i say? aku buat keje ikhlas, bukan sebab nak award ape2. and that is a fact. and very recently, during my 1-1 session with my amo, i told him about shorty not concentrating on his work. what did he replied? i think you can sort out with each other la regarding this, that what he replied. and i wondered how many cigarettes and lighter gas have they shared, for my amo to 'overlook'. until last friday, my amo was quite pissed off, why yesterday's queues have so much more outstanding, and some of the id is stuck in the other queue since saturday. and so i told him, that this other colleage of mine told me that shorty did not do his work after i go back (i come and go earlier than shorty for 1 hr). and my amo looks very pissed off, as shorty is one of his buddy, and i think shorty's taking him forgranted. i dunno la about what happened next, shorty might get some beating harharhar!
i'm typing this not because i have 'typical malay syndrome'. i just wanna highlight that such things do not happen to malays only.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
after reading Shariza's entry about kissing arses and a CTO's entry about favorism, being working in a majority indian environment, i'd say that not only malay doing such things. it's kinda a global thingie; every person who has a smelly heart (hati busuk) is doing such thing. believe me.
i've been working in first direct like nearly a year. my amo is a non-malay. my mo is a keling (remember my entry about gemuk? i only call indians i hate a keling), my avp is an indian. and my team mate is a keling.
let me first tell you about favorism. my mo is in very good terms with some indians and kelings in our whole family. em, correction, in the whole tranche 3 and 4. and she acts to be in good terms with the non-indians and non-keling (which includes some of the punjabs ok). now, initially, in my earlier days in first direct, this mo of mine always hung out with her friends (that is, the indians and kelings she is in very good terms with. let's call them team e for elites). whenever she came in to work, she no doubt tegur everybody. hello, how are you today, aiseh got food don't wanna give me some aa?, oo you got mcD never give me some aa?, and so on and so forth. but then that's all. when she reached the team e's place, she talked a lot. laughed with them. gave them a hug. just like a family. then came that time. the most incompetent person (she is in team e, tranche 3) was chosen to be an assistant amo for my tranche (that is tranche 4). now, charon might not agree with this, saying something bad to someone from her tranche. but then this was from what i observed yer. let's call this incompetent keling as N. why is she incompetent? 1. she's always on leave. no doubt she has sakit belakang or whatever, but the mc rate is high. 2. she's always kena marah with the trainer (which comes straight from ldsc) because of some reason i don't want to type down here. why was she chosen? the reason my mo gave were 1. she's a senior; she've been working in gsc longer than the rest of us. 2. she did excellent work handling calls. that's all i think. but why aamo (short form for assistant amo) for my tranche? and for the reasons, there's this other person, a chinese, far more better than her, and also a senior. why not her? initially i had no problem with her being my aamo, but gradually i can see her really not competent doing aamo job for our tranche. she didn't know how the team work flows, and yet berlagak macam tau. almost every single person in my tranche pissed off with her (except for my keling team mate and a team e member).
when this mo of mine had to change department, those team e members were all in shock. maklomlah kepala dah takde, tak boleh nak buat suka hati, kena ikut balik rules and regulations. for the rest of the team, bersorak dalam hati! then masuk la my new mo, malay. team morale pun naik sebab she does not apply favorism in her job. sekali bila my new mo nak beranak, kena amek leave, my avp panggil balik this mo suruh jaga whole team. siap plead dekat vp tu. what i can observe kan, that is simply because of favorism. my fren, yang pernah keje ngan that mo, told me that she is loathe by a lot of person. why did my avp plead for her to move back to first direct? favorism. and also, this mo ni nampak cam pandai sangat buat keje. actually dia mmg pandai buat keje. but not all of us like her, because of her attitude and favorism. for N and the rest of the team e, they felt 'alive', they can breathe normally.
now i tell you about kissing arse. my team mate (let's call him shorty) initially was innocent and mild (hah! as if!). easy to get along with everybody. then came this time. N yang malas nak buat keje2 berkaitan T4 (shortform for my tranche 4) started to assign people to do jobs on her behalf. shorty is one of them. and then suddenly, he started to miss his breaks, miss his lunches. when the amo from my team or from the other teams saw him in front of his terminal @ lunch hour, he replied "ni.." with a hand ponting at his monitor. at first i was like, huh rajin tu, considering the volume of work at that time. it turns out to be (another indian collague of mine told me) that he actually waited for the amos to go out, then after 5 minutes he went out (considering the fact that my amos like to eat outside the office area) then he came back before the amos. and acted like he's actually too observed with his job. and then, at times, most of the t4 members would mengumpat2 pasal N or our amo. he would listened, or sometimes butted in. acted like he's also not satisfied. then suddenly N or our amo knows about it. simply said la, nobody else is at very good terms with both of them except for shorty. and recently, shorty received an award for 'most improved gsc'. and we all are like, huh? buat keje pun main2, only i know how many mistakes he have done during the period when he started kissing the upper echelons' arses. sampai some of my t4 members pun tertanya2, i did better work than him, he got the award? diorang tu yg kasi soalan cam tu kat aku. what can i say? aku buat keje ikhlas, bukan sebab nak award ape2. and that is a fact. and very recently, during my 1-1 session with my amo, i told him about shorty not concentrating on his work. what did he replied? i think you can sort out with each other la regarding this, that what he replied. and i wondered how many cigarettes and lighter gas have they shared, for my amo to 'overlook'. until last friday, my amo was quite pissed off, why yesterday's queues have so much more outstanding, and some of the id is stuck in the other queue since saturday. and so i told him, that this other colleage of mine told me that shorty did not do his work after i go back (i come and go earlier than shorty for 1 hr). and my amo looks very pissed off, as shorty is one of his buddy, and i think shorty's taking him forgranted. i dunno la about what happened next, shorty might get some beating harharhar!
i'm typing this not because i have 'typical malay syndrome'. i just wanna highlight that such things do not happen to malays only.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Wednesday, January 4
Ferrero Rocher(R)
Winamp playin' Kasihnya Laila by Jinbara
ferrero rocher is one of me fav chocolate. most fav is vochelle dark choc, then toblerone dark choc, then ferrero mon ami, then baru la rocher. lepas tu ade lagi, tapi takyah la list down sini :P
but then i only love rocher with soft filling in the inside. kalau keras, tak bape minat. kalau cair lagik best. baru la terasa nikmat makan coklat. kalau cokelat baru klua dr peti ais laaagiii la teman tak minat (with exception to certain chocs yg hanya sedap lepas klua fridge). seeloknye room temperature... hiii memeleh air liur memikirkannye :P~~
lagik satu, yg tak bape bes sgt rocher ni, dia punye kacang yang kecik2 tu. aku ni ade gigi berlubang, geraham besar lak tu. sakit hati tul nak mengorek kacang kecik yang menyuruk kat belakang tu. selalu yang aku buat, (warning: this might sound disgusting to some people) amek air suam (jangan sejuk, nanti ngilu), lalukan air/kocok2 air kat gigi tu (jangan banyak sangat airnya), telan. camtu takde la rugi kacang kecik secebis, dan takde la buang masa bejalan ke sinki bagi setiap ketul rocher dimakan. harharhar :P
okeh la nak layan rocher yang baru beli lepas balik keje tadik :D
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
ferrero rocher is one of me fav chocolate. most fav is vochelle dark choc, then toblerone dark choc, then ferrero mon ami, then baru la rocher. lepas tu ade lagi, tapi takyah la list down sini :P
but then i only love rocher with soft filling in the inside. kalau keras, tak bape minat. kalau cair lagik best. baru la terasa nikmat makan coklat. kalau cokelat baru klua dr peti ais laaagiii la teman tak minat (with exception to certain chocs yg hanya sedap lepas klua fridge). seeloknye room temperature... hiii memeleh air liur memikirkannye :P~~
lagik satu, yg tak bape bes sgt rocher ni, dia punye kacang yang kecik2 tu. aku ni ade gigi berlubang, geraham besar lak tu. sakit hati tul nak mengorek kacang kecik yang menyuruk kat belakang tu. selalu yang aku buat, (warning: this might sound disgusting to some people) amek air suam (jangan sejuk, nanti ngilu), lalukan air/kocok2 air kat gigi tu (jangan banyak sangat airnya), telan. camtu takde la rugi kacang kecik secebis, dan takde la buang masa bejalan ke sinki bagi setiap ketul rocher dimakan. harharhar :P
okeh la nak layan rocher yang baru beli lepas balik keje tadik :D
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Monday, January 2
I Guess That's This is Where We've Come To..
Winamp playin' Believe Me by Fort Minor - hv been on repeat since prev entry
solosai dah. meletakkan balik entry lama2 yang pending sekian lama dalam blog ni. oh for u guys yg tak tau, dulu ade la this certain sambadi penah delete blog aku. sibbaik aku dapat claim balik nama blog ni. and also mujur entry lama2 ade dalam google cache. so selamat la entry lama2 aku. kenangan tu, kenangan! mana leh abaikan gitu saje. ni aku dah pakai pswd lain dah, harap2 dat certain sambadi tu tak ceroboh balik blogspot aku ni.
bukan la nak kata entry lama2 tu best ke ape sampai nak kena letak balik dalam blog ni. cuma aku saje nak letak balik, so nanti tahun2 akan datang tak de la aku mencarik2 mana entry yg aku rase aku nak refer balik, carik je dalam archives, senang gitu. btul dak. and there's this other reason, tapi heh heh tak yah la letak kat sini :P
wokeh nak basuh kain + kemas rumah. bagi sesape yg kena keje hari ni, selamat menjalan tugas! aku cuti! :P
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
solosai dah. meletakkan balik entry lama2 yang pending sekian lama dalam blog ni. oh for u guys yg tak tau, dulu ade la this certain sambadi penah delete blog aku. sibbaik aku dapat claim balik nama blog ni. and also mujur entry lama2 ade dalam google cache. so selamat la entry lama2 aku. kenangan tu, kenangan! mana leh abaikan gitu saje. ni aku dah pakai pswd lain dah, harap2 dat certain sambadi tu tak ceroboh balik blogspot aku ni.
bukan la nak kata entry lama2 tu best ke ape sampai nak kena letak balik dalam blog ni. cuma aku saje nak letak balik, so nanti tahun2 akan datang tak de la aku mencarik2 mana entry yg aku rase aku nak refer balik, carik je dalam archives, senang gitu. btul dak. and there's this other reason, tapi heh heh tak yah la letak kat sini :P
wokeh nak basuh kain + kemas rumah. bagi sesape yg kena keje hari ni, selamat menjalan tugas! aku cuti! :P
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Wake-up Song
In the mood for Believe Me by Fort Minor
my current wake-up song
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
my current wake-up song
I guess
That this is where we've come to
If you don't want to
Then you don't have to believe me
But I won't be there when you go down
Just so you know now
You're on your own now believe me
I don't want to be the one to blame
You like fun and games
Keep playing em
I'm just sayin
Think back then
We was like one and the same
On the right track
But I was on the wrong train
Just like that
Now you've got a face to pain
And the devil's got a fresh new place to play
In your brain like a maze you can never escape the rain
Every damn day is the same shade of grey
I used have a little bit of a plan
Used to
Have a concept of where I stand
But that concept slipped right out of my hands
Now I don't really even know who I am
Yo, what do I have to say
Maybe I should do what I have to do to break free
What ever happens to you, we'll see
But it's not gonna happen to me
I guess
That this is where we've come to
If you don't want to
Then you don't have to believe me
But I won't be there when you go down
Just so you know now
You're on your own now believe me
Back then, I thought you were just like me
Somebody who could see all the pain I see
But you proved to me unintentionally
That you would self-destruct eventually
Now I'm thinking like the mistake I made doesn't hurt
But it's not gonna work
Cause it's really much worse than I thought
I wished you were something that you were not
And now this guilt is really all that I got
You turned your back
And walked away in shame
All you got is a memory of pain
Nothing makes sense so you stare at the ground
I hear your voice in my head when no one else's around
What do I have to say
Maybe I should do what I have to do to break free
What ever happens to you, we'll see
But it's not gonna happen to me
I guess
That this is where we've come to
If you don't want to
Then you don't have to believe me
But I won't be there when you go down
Just so you know now
You're on your own now believe me
I guess
That this is where we've come to
If you don't want to
Then you don't have to believe me
But I won't be there when you go down
Just so you know now
You're on your own now believe me
Do what i have to do
You're on your own now believe me
What ever happens to you
You're on your own now believe me
What do I have to say
You're on your own now believe me
It's not gonna happen to me
You're on your own now believe me
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Sunday, January 1
In the mood for Happy Happy Greetings by Kinki Kids
sampai dah tahun 2006 ni. camne sambutan korang?
for me, i don't celebrate this new year. i slept all the way from 5pm yesterday until 5 am today. in fact, i don't even celebrate it every year. what for? why should i celebrate when it means i'm gonna be a year older than the year before?
dlm entry 1st jan tahun lepas, ade aku punye resolution. eat more junk food tu. hmm kire berjaya la kot. meh nengok tahun ni punye resolution:
muhahahaha :P
ok la, on the serious side, i resolve not to buy any nokia phone. and buy a new phone (other than nokia) by the end of feb. ok la what :P
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
sampai dah tahun 2006 ni. camne sambutan korang?
for me, i don't celebrate this new year. i slept all the way from 5pm yesterday until 5 am today. in fact, i don't even celebrate it every year. what for? why should i celebrate when it means i'm gonna be a year older than the year before?
dlm entry 1st jan tahun lepas, ade aku punye resolution. eat more junk food tu. hmm kire berjaya la kot. meh nengok tahun ni punye resolution:
In the year 2006 I resolve to: |
muhahahaha :P
ok la, on the serious side, i resolve not to buy any nokia phone. and buy a new phone (other than nokia) by the end of feb. ok la what :P
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
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