In the mood for Rolling in the Deep by Adele
I was not feeling well that morning, while the rest were 'having fun' at Hanok Village.
Wednesday, December 28
I'm Back
In the mood for Only You by 2AM punye version
As of now my modem has been running over 24hrs non-stop. Lepaskan geram la katakan. Tapi berharap sangat lepas kasi tidur 6hrs++ dia akan up and running again.
During my hiatus, you should have noticed that I have made some posts (quotes orang lain je sebenarnya) over tumblr. Not that I care if you cared.
Now for my overdue posts. Gaja!
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
As of now my modem has been running over 24hrs non-stop. Lepaskan geram la katakan. Tapi berharap sangat lepas kasi tidur 6hrs++ dia akan up and running again.
During my hiatus, you should have noticed that I have made some posts (quotes orang lain je sebenarnya) over tumblr. Not that I care if you cared.
Now for my overdue posts. Gaja!
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Saturday, December 17
Baru je lepas dengar lagu Bounce by New F.O. (nama cam grup iluminati je)
Here I come again! But there'll be no pics this time. Kot. Malas nak bawak digihari sebab kena pack light!
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Here I come again! But there'll be no pics this time. Kot. Malas nak bawak digihari sebab kena pack light!
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Monday, December 12
Okay I'm Pissed.
Tak suka betul!
Cerita dah sedap. Memang layannn la bila tengok. Sampai tak sabar2 nak promote kat orang. Tapi tiba2 dah dekat2 episod akhir ada twist yang tak perlu kot??? dan menyakitkan hati.
Dulu biasanya kena terminal illness. Dan selalunye pertengahan cerita dah kasitau. So macam boleh jugak la nak terima... sebab mesti di belakang2 tu ada kaitan.
Tapi sekarang? Macam semata2 nak kasi penuh kuota episod, sumbat jalan cerita tahpape at the end? At the final 2 episodes? Ok tak de la tahpape, tapi macam kalau tak de twist tu mungkin akan membuat cerita tu lebih berbaloi untuk ditonton semula?
Contohnye Heartstrings ni. I love the drama up til diorang habis musical. Tapi tetiba pada episod last-last ni...
- hero sakit tangan, takleh main gitar lagi.
- Lepas tu heroin dapat peluang gi overseas untuk belajar musical.
- Lepas tu hero sorok sakit dia sebab taknak kasi heroin risau.
- Lepas tu heroin tau hero sakit tangan dan menolak peluang untuk ke oversea dan kasitau hero.
- Dan hero ni anggap sendiri sebagai penghalang, jadi suggest breaking up.
- Dan blah.
- Tapi sempat pulak heroin tu grab tangan yang sakit tu, tapi hero tak de pulak terasa sakit.
- Pastu heroin ni kecewa kena berpisah, ambik balik peluang pergi overseas sambil rasa sedih.
- Setahun lepas tu heroin pun balik dari overseas.
- Hero lak dah boleh main gitar balik.
- Lepas tu heroin pun tau kisah sebenar kenapa hero nak break off.
- Lepas tu hero kena marah dengan heroin.
- Lepas tu flashbacks.
- Then finally bersama kembali.
ARGHHHHH!!!! Sibbaikla 10 minit terakhir tu saya suka. Tapi still spoil jugak sebab twist yang tak perlu tu.
Dan juga nasib baik la tak de jadi cam ni lepas heroin tau kisah sebenar:
- Lepas tu jadi balik scene macam diorang memula jumpa.
- Lepas tu fall in love again.
Malas nak fikir ending apa yang appropriate.
But then ending yang ni tak de la ngek macam 49 Days. Tu memang ngek, sampai tak sampai hati nak kutuk kat sini, sebab I like the storyline so much APART FROM THE ENDING. Macam, eh? Adik beradik ke? Eh? Boipren ke? Eh? Anak makcik tu ke? Eh? (Yes, too many 'EH?'s.)
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Cerita dah sedap. Memang layannn la bila tengok. Sampai tak sabar2 nak promote kat orang. Tapi tiba2 dah dekat2 episod akhir ada twist yang tak perlu kot??? dan menyakitkan hati.
Dulu biasanya kena terminal illness. Dan selalunye pertengahan cerita dah kasitau. So macam boleh jugak la nak terima... sebab mesti di belakang2 tu ada kaitan.
Tapi sekarang? Macam semata2 nak kasi penuh kuota episod, sumbat jalan cerita tahpape at the end? At the final 2 episodes? Ok tak de la tahpape, tapi macam kalau tak de twist tu mungkin akan membuat cerita tu lebih berbaloi untuk ditonton semula?
Contohnye Heartstrings ni. I love the drama up til diorang habis musical. Tapi tetiba pada episod last-last ni...
- hero sakit tangan, takleh main gitar lagi.
- Lepas tu heroin dapat peluang gi overseas untuk belajar musical.
- Lepas tu hero sorok sakit dia sebab taknak kasi heroin risau.
- Lepas tu heroin tau hero sakit tangan dan menolak peluang untuk ke oversea dan kasitau hero.
- Dan hero ni anggap sendiri sebagai penghalang, jadi suggest breaking up.
- Dan blah.
- Tapi sempat pulak heroin tu grab tangan yang sakit tu, tapi hero tak de pulak terasa sakit.
- Pastu heroin ni kecewa kena berpisah, ambik balik peluang pergi overseas sambil rasa sedih.
- Setahun lepas tu heroin pun balik dari overseas.
- Hero lak dah boleh main gitar balik.
- Lepas tu heroin pun tau kisah sebenar kenapa hero nak break off.
- Lepas tu hero kena marah dengan heroin.
- Lepas tu flashbacks.
- Then finally bersama kembali.
ARGHHHHH!!!! Sibbaikla 10 minit terakhir tu saya suka. Tapi still spoil jugak sebab twist yang tak perlu tu.
Dan juga nasib baik la tak de jadi cam ni lepas heroin tau kisah sebenar:
- Lepas tu jadi balik scene macam diorang memula jumpa.
- Lepas tu fall in love again.
Malas nak fikir ending apa yang appropriate.
But then ending yang ni tak de la ngek macam 49 Days. Tu memang ngek, sampai tak sampai hati nak kutuk kat sini, sebab I like the storyline so much APART FROM THE ENDING. Macam, eh? Adik beradik ke? Eh? Boipren ke? Eh? Anak makcik tu ke? Eh? (Yes, too many 'EH?'s.)
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Saturday, December 10
In the mood for Where is The Love? by BEP
Tatkala ini aku berada di Tutti Frutti Wangsa Maju. Menonton MTV sementara menunggu download siap. Tak de la tunggu sampai semua siap, satu je siap pun dah cukup. Tensen dengan internet di rumah. On the way nak datang sini tadi ternampak dua jejaka duduk di bawah payung unifi di depan jalan utama masuk ke taman, tanye la dia kejap bila masa unifi nak masuk ke taman perumahan. Salah seorang dari mereka cakap dah masuk dah semalam. Semalam??? Haisy. Harap2 dalam masa terdekat ni akan dengar la khabar berita yang baik.
Tadi masa sampai, semasa baru on Gary ni, adekku keluar kejap. Kenapa tah, tak tau la. Bukannye pergi merokok sebab adikku memang tidak merokok. Bila masuk balik, dia cakap ada gerhana bulan di luar. Astaga. Tak tahu menahu pun ada gerhana. Selalu ibu cakap, so that boleh buat solat sunat or any ibadah lain. Terlepas lagi peluang untuk tahun ini.
Kalaulah tenetku tidak buat pasal.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Tatkala ini aku berada di Tutti Frutti Wangsa Maju. Menonton MTV sementara menunggu download siap. Tak de la tunggu sampai semua siap, satu je siap pun dah cukup. Tensen dengan internet di rumah. On the way nak datang sini tadi ternampak dua jejaka duduk di bawah payung unifi di depan jalan utama masuk ke taman, tanye la dia kejap bila masa unifi nak masuk ke taman perumahan. Salah seorang dari mereka cakap dah masuk dah semalam. Semalam??? Haisy. Harap2 dalam masa terdekat ni akan dengar la khabar berita yang baik.
Tadi masa sampai, semasa baru on Gary ni, adekku keluar kejap. Kenapa tah, tak tau la. Bukannye pergi merokok sebab adikku memang tidak merokok. Bila masuk balik, dia cakap ada gerhana bulan di luar. Astaga. Tak tahu menahu pun ada gerhana. Selalu ibu cakap, so that boleh buat solat sunat or any ibadah lain. Terlepas lagi peluang untuk tahun ini.
Kalaulah tenetku tidak buat pasal.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Sunday, November 27
In the mood for reflecting the past and looking forward to the future.
1 Muharram 1433H.
Sudah masuk Tahun Hijriah baru.
Walaupun bukan masa untuk menukar buku baru, apa salahnya mulai hari ini kita muhasabah diri dan menambah kekurangan pada tahun yang baru lepas, supaya waktu buku amalan kita diangkat dan diganti nanti diisi dengan lebih pahala dan kebaikan.
Jazakallahu khairan, fi amaanillah.
Sebagai ingatan untuk semua dan diri sendiri:
Amalan bulan muharram.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
1 Muharram 1433H.
Sudah masuk Tahun Hijriah baru.
Walaupun bukan masa untuk menukar buku baru, apa salahnya mulai hari ini kita muhasabah diri dan menambah kekurangan pada tahun yang baru lepas, supaya waktu buku amalan kita diangkat dan diganti nanti diisi dengan lebih pahala dan kebaikan.
Jazakallahu khairan, fi amaanillah.
Sebagai ingatan untuk semua dan diri sendiri:
Amalan bulan muharram.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Saturday, November 19
Gonna Miss This Place...
In the mood for Airbag by Tablo ft. Noel
...but am not gonna come back soon. Not in this uber chilly weather (yeah to me it is uber chilly, your argument is invalid ).
Two weeks have gone so fast. And I'll be leaving London to resume my mandom normal life in less than 16 hours from now.
InsyaAllah selamat kembali.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
...but am not gonna come back soon. Not in this uber chilly weather (yeah to me it is uber chilly, your argument is invalid ).
Two weeks have gone so fast. And I'll be leaving London to resume my mandom normal life in less than 16 hours from now.
InsyaAllah selamat kembali.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Sunday, November 13
Sunny Sunday Morning and I'm at Home
Tengah tgk cable TV.
Saje nak bermalasan di apartment. Dah bosan jalan2 kota London.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Saje nak bermalasan di apartment. Dah bosan jalan2 kota London.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Saturday, November 5
Live From Doha International Airport
Dalam perjalanan nak ke London ni untuk business trip, transit kat Doha. Masa nak sampai Doha tadi, nampak desert je dari atas plane - new flight experience ni! Ye lah, kat tempat lain nampak ijau je kan... :D
Tadi dalam flight tidur 2 jam je. Tu pun lepas sejam kena bangun untuk makan, sejam lebih la jugak berjaga sebab sambil tgk movie bertajuk Quick.
Transfer and Departure nye tpt ni agak kecik, mungkin sebab dia tak bersambung terus ngan main airport hall tu. Barangan duty free dia lebih kurang harga M'sia gak.
Tapi harga makanan kat sini... hmm... boleh nak kata agak mahal. Set burger ayam dengan fries & soft drink rm45 (orang dah kata jangan convert! haisy). Portion besar pun tak leh nak justify kenapa diorang mark up begitu.
Hmm rasanya tu jela for now... sebab mengantuk gile. Ni taip pun sebab alang2 tgh caj Gary-cchi maka buat je la sesuatu on it kan :D
Tadi dalam flight tidur 2 jam je. Tu pun lepas sejam kena bangun untuk makan, sejam lebih la jugak berjaga sebab sambil tgk movie bertajuk Quick.
Transfer and Departure nye tpt ni agak kecik, mungkin sebab dia tak bersambung terus ngan main airport hall tu. Barangan duty free dia lebih kurang harga M'sia gak.
Tapi harga makanan kat sini... hmm... boleh nak kata agak mahal. Set burger ayam dengan fries & soft drink rm45 (orang dah kata jangan convert! haisy). Portion besar pun tak leh nak justify kenapa diorang mark up begitu.
Hmm rasanya tu jela for now... sebab mengantuk gile. Ni taip pun sebab alang2 tgh caj Gary-cchi maka buat je la sesuatu on it kan :D
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Off to Another Foreign Land.
In the mood for Everyday by U-KISS
Am leaving for London in an hour and 20 minutes.
The Daily Journals: Day 4 might not be posted in the next 2 weeks. But we'll see about that.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Am leaving for London in an hour and 20 minutes.
The Daily Journals: Day 4 might not be posted in the next 2 weeks. But we'll see about that.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Tuesday, November 1
Segment One: The Daily Journals - Day 3
In the mood for The Boys by GG
!!! Warning! Another image heavy post. Heavier than before kot?
!!! Warning! Another image heavy post. Heavier than before kot?
Monday, October 31
Segment One: The Daily Journals - Day 2
In the mood for Shanghai Romance by Orange Caramel
!!! Warning! Image heavy post. And this entry took me 3 hours to finish! Sigh.
!!! Warning! Image heavy post. And this entry took me 3 hours to finish! Sigh.
Saturday, October 29
Thursday, October 27
Monday, October 24
Sunday, October 23
iTunes playin' The Boys by Girls' Generation
Still too tired to blog now, although touched down KL yesterday.
I don't want the same thing happened as per my Singapore trip (i.e. malas nak buat blog entry for last two days there), so I will have entries done in segments. Tunggu~
[Edit 10 mins later: Shoot I lost my memory card reader.]
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Still too tired to blog now, although touched down KL yesterday.
I don't want the same thing happened as per my Singapore trip (i.e. malas nak buat blog entry for last two days there), so I will have entries done in segments. Tunggu~
[Edit 10 mins later: Shoot I lost my memory card reader.]
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Sunday, October 16
Leaving on a Jet Plane...
iTunes playin' Dr. Feel Good by Rania
AAX, baru betul.
Anyway, I am leaving tomorrow night. Departing 11:00pm. Sampai Seoul dalam lebih kurang 6am.
InsyaAllah selamat pergi, selamat kembali.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
AAX, baru betul.
Anyway, I am leaving tomorrow night. Departing 11:00pm. Sampai Seoul dalam lebih kurang 6am.
InsyaAllah selamat pergi, selamat kembali.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Wednesday, October 5
Lagu Sekolah Saya
In the mood for reunion!
Kitalah puteri harapan bangsa
Berkumpul dari seluruh tanah air
Menuntut ilmu tekun dan usaha
Hadapi cabaran tabah di jiwa
Bangunlah puteri bangun
Harumkan nama sekolah
Majulah puteri maju
Bina bangsa dan negara
Cabaran hadapi dengan tabah
Hidup berpandu rukun negara
Ke hadrat Allah kita berserah
Tentu berjaya jika berusaha
Bangunlah puteri bangun
Harumkan nama sekolah
Majulah puteri maju
Bina bangsa dan negara
Wahahaha ingat lagi :P ok la ingat sampai the first chorus je :P
Lagu ni version masa saya masih lagi pelajar di sekolah itu. Sekarang liriknya dah tukar.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Kitalah puteri harapan bangsa
Berkumpul dari seluruh tanah air
Menuntut ilmu tekun dan usaha
Hadapi cabaran tabah di jiwa
Bangunlah puteri bangun
Harumkan nama sekolah
Majulah puteri maju
Bina bangsa dan negara
Cabaran hadapi dengan tabah
Hidup berpandu rukun negara
Ke hadrat Allah kita berserah
Tentu berjaya jika berusaha
Bangunlah puteri bangun
Harumkan nama sekolah
Majulah puteri maju
Bina bangsa dan negara
Wahahaha ingat lagi :P ok la ingat sampai the first chorus je :P
Lagu ni version masa saya masih lagi pelajar di sekolah itu. Sekarang liriknya dah tukar.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
lagu sekolah,
sekolah seri puteri,
seri puteri,
Monday, October 3
He Broke My Heart Yet Again.
He broke my heart several times before.
1. When I know he had a girlfriend.
2. When he married her.
3. When I know he married her sebab kena tangkap basah.
For that third time, actually there was a slight relief inside of me because he actually took responsibility to marry her, and I did wish the best for them. From what I heard, he -being a kind person- and she -who I don't really know even up til now-, both of them didn't do anything other than just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. And I really wanted to believe that, but even so I didn't really want to see her face everytime they stop by my house to visit my parents.
(Yes, they're relatives of mine.)
This morning when I woke up, I heard sound of kids playing around with my dad. Then my big lil bro came up and said this guy's wife is downstairs. Made a smug face, no effort to go down and greet them.
After an hour or so, I felt bored so I went downstairs, only to see that they've left. Mum was clearing up the dining table, so I asked her then,
dB: Sape datang?
Mum: Bini abang A.
dB: Oh, bini dia je? *smug face*
Mum: Ha'ah. Kesian ye dia... dah cerai..talak tiga.
I was shocked. Totally. I don't know why but somehow I felt betrayed. And heartbroken yet again.
I was itching to know the real story, and still am now. I don't know whose fault it was, because from the way Mum's talked, I sensed that he's the rotten apple. I felt sorry for the ex, eventhough I don't really like her before.
Heartbroken yet again for knowing (or more to assuming) that he's like that.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
1. When I know he had a girlfriend.
2. When he married her.
3. When I know he married her sebab kena tangkap basah.
For that third time, actually there was a slight relief inside of me because he actually took responsibility to marry her, and I did wish the best for them. From what I heard, he -being a kind person- and she -who I don't really know even up til now-, both of them didn't do anything other than just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. And I really wanted to believe that, but even so I didn't really want to see her face everytime they stop by my house to visit my parents.
(Yes, they're relatives of mine.)
This morning when I woke up, I heard sound of kids playing around with my dad. Then my big lil bro came up and said this guy's wife is downstairs. Made a smug face, no effort to go down and greet them.
After an hour or so, I felt bored so I went downstairs, only to see that they've left. Mum was clearing up the dining table, so I asked her then,
dB: Sape datang?
Mum: Bini abang A.
dB: Oh, bini dia je? *smug face*
Mum: Ha'ah. Kesian ye dia... dah cerai..talak tiga.
I was shocked. Totally. I don't know why but somehow I felt betrayed. And heartbroken yet again.
I was itching to know the real story, and still am now. I don't know whose fault it was, because from the way Mum's talked, I sensed that he's the rotten apple. I felt sorry for the ex, eventhough I don't really like her before.
Heartbroken yet again for knowing (or more to assuming) that he's like that.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Thursday, September 29
Terlalu Banyak Post Malas Kebelakangan Ini.
iTunes playin' C.N.Blue's Arigatou
Maybe it's because my trip is getting nearer (Namsan Tawaaaaaaaaaaa) I don't really feel like in the mood for anythinig else. No, seriously. No mood to come to work (especially when my inbox is not as lively as the first 15 working days of the month), no mood to update procedures, no mood to go down to the cafe and get coffee, no mood to choose place where to have my dinner, no mood to drive to and from the pick-up point, no mood to siap2 pegi keje, no mood to...I think almost everything not related to the trip.
Bahaya ni. Especially dah nak masuk bulan baru minggu depan.
I think I should stop this now. Okay, maybe when I get up later?
Mata dah berat ni. Da.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Maybe it's because my trip is getting nearer (Namsan Tawaaaaaaaaaaa) I don't really feel like in the mood for anythinig else. No, seriously. No mood to come to work (especially when my inbox is not as lively as the first 15 working days of the month), no mood to update procedures, no mood to go down to the cafe and get coffee, no mood to choose place where to have my dinner, no mood to drive to and from the pick-up point, no mood to siap2 pegi keje, no mood to...I think almost everything not related to the trip.
Bahaya ni. Especially dah nak masuk bulan baru minggu depan.
I think I should stop this now. Okay, maybe when I get up later?
Mata dah berat ni. Da.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Benci Tau.
In the mood for Running Man
Sekarang ni nak mengadu pasal seorang rakan sekerja, yang juga suka mengambil kesempatan atas kebaikan orang. Rakan sekerja ini, namanya N, seorang yang cantik dan baik... tetapi juga suka mengambil kesempatan. Atau secara tepatnya, suka menyusahkan orang lain dan menyenangkan diri sendiri sahaja.
Sebab ini post mengumpat, jika awak tidak mahu baca, silalah ke post yang lain.
Sekarang ni nak mengadu pasal seorang rakan sekerja, yang juga suka mengambil kesempatan atas kebaikan orang. Rakan sekerja ini, namanya N, seorang yang cantik dan baik... tetapi juga suka mengambil kesempatan. Atau secara tepatnya, suka menyusahkan orang lain dan menyenangkan diri sendiri sahaja.
Sebab ini post mengumpat, jika awak tidak mahu baca, silalah ke post yang lain.
Saturday, September 24
Debib da Bomb!
In the mood for Neverland by U-Kiss
Masuk balik FB, only to find out that me photobombing my lil sis's engagement pic sangat klakar lol
Masuk balik FB, only to find out that me photobombing my lil sis's engagement pic sangat klakar lol
Friday, September 23
Nak edit ni pun malas.
Tengah tonton Marry Me, Mary
Debib De Dibto
Still malas nak 1. lipat kain, 2. buat trans, dan 3. blog.
32 minutes ago via web
Favorite Reply Delete
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Debib De Dibto
Still malas nak 1. lipat kain, 2. buat trans, dan 3. blog.
32 minutes ago via web
Favorite Reply Delete
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Monday, September 19
No Updates For Week Ending 18 Sept.
In the mood for Neverland by U-Kiss (I think I might like this song more than Shut Up!)
Or rather, too tired to update. Enjoy the vid above.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Monday, September 12
I want to Break Free
Currently I'm taking a short break from translating. Kononnya sebab nak fokus kat engagement preparation for my sister, so tanak ada distraction lain.
Boy, you don't know how mighty sangap I am.
Nasib baik la minggu baru lepas ni testing compressed shift, so macam bila sampai rumah still tak de banyak yang boleh buat selain dari cek emel sebelum tido.
Tapi... tak tau la apa nasib minggu ni. Harap-harap akan busy la dengan sesi kemas mengemas.
And what's with not able to sleep pepagi Isnin ni? Aku nak pegi Carrefour b4 gi keje nanti! Dah! :D
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Boy, you don't know how mighty sangap I am.
Nasib baik la minggu baru lepas ni testing compressed shift, so macam bila sampai rumah still tak de banyak yang boleh buat selain dari cek emel sebelum tido.
Tapi... tak tau la apa nasib minggu ni. Harap-harap akan busy la dengan sesi kemas mengemas.
And what's with not able to sleep pepagi Isnin ni? Aku nak pegi Carrefour b4 gi keje nanti! Dah! :D
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
My Right Knee Hurts
On last Friday I woke up late. Since dah cakap nak kena buat compressed shift which means I'mma stay back until 2am, so takkan la nak masuk lambat by taking the bus kan? So nak tanak kena la drive, to be in the office by such and such time.
When I got into my car, the sky was nearly dark - the sign for heavy rain to come. I don't like driving in heavy rain. Mostly because of my weak eyesight and the condition of my car. Kalau aku bawak kete baru, lain cite kot? Muhahahaha.
When I got into my car, the sky was nearly dark - the sign for heavy rain to come. I don't like driving in heavy rain. Mostly because of my weak eyesight and the condition of my car. Kalau aku bawak kete baru, lain cite kot? Muhahahaha.
Burst Out: Attitude Problem Ajumma
Friday, September 2
Some thoughts before i go to sleep
(Ya Allah payohnye nak menaip ni on the ipad sambil baring. Budak ni pulak tak pakai spellcheck/dictionary... So tak de autocorrect la pulak...)
Semalam semasa pulang semula ke opis, lupa pulak nak bawak telekung. Oleh kerana telekung tu belum basuh pun, so rasenye malas pulak nak bawak hari ni. Jadi sebelum tutup lampu tadi mencarik la telekung kaler brown yang adik Wafi belikan masa dia pergi Bandung dulu.
Bila dah letak siap2 atas meja mekap, tiba2 terfikir sesuatu.
Telekung dipakai bukankah untuk menutup aurat semasa membuat ibadah? Kalau nak beribadah, bukankah mahu khusyuk? Jadi apekah point untuk memakai telekung kaler-kaler? Apakah juga motif buat telekung kaler-kaler ni? Adakah untuk menarik perhatian fashionista untuk beribadah?
Apakah perlu pedulik khusyuk sendiri tanpa pedulik orang lain pun nak khusyuk jugak?
Ada sekali tu di surau ofis, seseorang ni pakai telekung yang labuh sampai tapak kaki kaler merah. Gile distracting. Terasa macam ada makhluk paranormal yang berdiri kat situ.
Cantik memang cantik kak. Tapi... Kalau sampai orang lain tak khyusuk tu...
Sekarang berbalik kepada teleks yg adik Wafi belikan ni. Dilema pulak. Kena solat time tak ramai la kot. Dan kena pulak duk kat baris saf belakang. Kalau depan takut distract kot. Tapi kalau belakang pun takut distract jugak.
Ke aku sorang je yang rasa sebegini?
Bawak je la kan. Kalau rase conscious nanti, pakai la yg wakaf surau punye.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Semalam semasa pulang semula ke opis, lupa pulak nak bawak telekung. Oleh kerana telekung tu belum basuh pun, so rasenye malas pulak nak bawak hari ni. Jadi sebelum tutup lampu tadi mencarik la telekung kaler brown yang adik Wafi belikan masa dia pergi Bandung dulu.
Bila dah letak siap2 atas meja mekap, tiba2 terfikir sesuatu.
Telekung dipakai bukankah untuk menutup aurat semasa membuat ibadah? Kalau nak beribadah, bukankah mahu khusyuk? Jadi apekah point untuk memakai telekung kaler-kaler? Apakah juga motif buat telekung kaler-kaler ni? Adakah untuk menarik perhatian fashionista untuk beribadah?
Apakah perlu pedulik khusyuk sendiri tanpa pedulik orang lain pun nak khusyuk jugak?
Ada sekali tu di surau ofis, seseorang ni pakai telekung yang labuh sampai tapak kaki kaler merah. Gile distracting. Terasa macam ada makhluk paranormal yang berdiri kat situ.
Cantik memang cantik kak. Tapi... Kalau sampai orang lain tak khyusuk tu...
Sekarang berbalik kepada teleks yg adik Wafi belikan ni. Dilema pulak. Kena solat time tak ramai la kot. Dan kena pulak duk kat baris saf belakang. Kalau depan takut distract kot. Tapi kalau belakang pun takut distract jugak.
Ke aku sorang je yang rasa sebegini?
Bawak je la kan. Kalau rase conscious nanti, pakai la yg wakaf surau punye.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Tuesday, August 30
In the mood for doing nothing.
Penat dah mengemas. Mana taknye, hari terakhir puasa baru nak mengemas. Tu pun tak abis kemas lagi ni... Banyak sangat barang! 3 tahun tak kemas (ouch).
Sedang sedap2 mengemas tadi, semasa nak alih bantal yang letak kat tepi ni (in case of relatives/friends spend overnight here), tetiba diari lama aku pun terjatuh dari celah bantal. Lupa sangat aku simpan kat situ, patut la mencarik2 selama ni tak jumpa2! Lalu dah jumpa tu nengok la kejap...
First entry je buat aku blur. Bila masa tah aku bercinta ni? And knowing me, if I put it down in my diary, I won't have it posted online. So buat aku bertambah blur! Nengok pulak post seterusnya... 2 days after. Saw two familiar names. Now I can recall the setting... but I still can't recall the guy!
Dah tanda penuaan ni. Lupa bagai.
Tapi entry yang terakhir buat aku ketawa sendiri. Apa? Projek 80? Projek 70? Sekuk weetameel? Air milo opis? Kek? (I'll leave these to your imagination.)
But then, now that I saw the entry again... I think I'mma start it very soon. Right after raya kedua. Nak tengok azam kuat ke tak. Silver8 pun ada ni! Berusaha!
Ok. Dah.
So hari ini terpaksalah aku menempuh hari penuh bersin. And maybe that was the real reason in my subconscious mind - supaya tak tempuh hari berpuasa dengan hidung yang berlari. Bagus jugak kepala otak aku ni hahaha.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Penat dah mengemas. Mana taknye, hari terakhir puasa baru nak mengemas. Tu pun tak abis kemas lagi ni... Banyak sangat barang! 3 tahun tak kemas (ouch).
Sedang sedap2 mengemas tadi, semasa nak alih bantal yang letak kat tepi ni (in case of relatives/friends spend overnight here), tetiba diari lama aku pun terjatuh dari celah bantal. Lupa sangat aku simpan kat situ, patut la mencarik2 selama ni tak jumpa2! Lalu dah jumpa tu nengok la kejap...
First entry je buat aku blur. Bila masa tah aku bercinta ni? And knowing me, if I put it down in my diary, I won't have it posted online. So buat aku bertambah blur! Nengok pulak post seterusnya... 2 days after. Saw two familiar names. Now I can recall the setting... but I still can't recall the guy!
Dah tanda penuaan ni. Lupa bagai.
Tapi entry yang terakhir buat aku ketawa sendiri. Apa? Projek 80? Projek 70? Sekuk weetameel? Air milo opis? Kek? (I'll leave these to your imagination.)
But then, now that I saw the entry again... I think I'mma start it very soon. Right after raya kedua. Nak tengok azam kuat ke tak. Silver8 pun ada ni! Berusaha!
Ok. Dah.
So hari ini terpaksalah aku menempuh hari penuh bersin. And maybe that was the real reason in my subconscious mind - supaya tak tempuh hari berpuasa dengan hidung yang berlari. Bagus jugak kepala otak aku ni hahaha.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Salam Aidilfitri 1432H
In the mood for recycle balik posts lama lagi sekali hahahahaha!!! (kali ni lagi hebat tak de edit pape langsung!)

Color by COLOURlovers
To all my muslim blogreaders (yg insyaAllah cukup puasa tahun ni),

ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Color by COLOURlovers
To all my muslim blogreaders (yg insyaAllah cukup puasa tahun ni),
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Sunday, August 28
Wednesday, August 24
I Just Love Stop-Motion Animations.
YouTube's playin' Turned off the TV by LEESSANG (리쌍)(feat. Tasha, Kwon Jungyeol OF 10CM)
...although, MV lagu ni tak de la bes sangat, but then I loike it, especially masa kat langit and jatuh dalam air :)
Tapi saya suka lagu ni :)
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
...although, MV lagu ni tak de la bes sangat, but then I loike it, especially masa kat langit and jatuh dalam air :)
Tapi saya suka lagu ni :)
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Sunday, August 21
Malas, OK.
YouTube playin' Without You by 1TYM
(Apsal aku rasa Taebin ni macam Yamapi pulak dalam mv ni?)
Anyhow, malas.
Malas nak buat translation. Malas malas malas.
Tapi tak boleh nak buat camne. I need the dough for my trip to SEOUL KOREA WOOHOOOO this October. Bukan la tak de uwang sekarang ni, tapi hendak la uwang lebih kan.
Lagikpun dengan mebeli assets ni, sekarang uwang tak boleh nak senang-lenang dibaszirkan. Kena ikat perut dah. Bukanla tak mampu nak makan macam biasa, tapi.. yea perlulah ada kesedaran ngehhhh sebab NAK PEGI SEOUL KOREA WOOHOOOOOO.
Taip translations sikit lagi, pastu solat. Takut kalau solat dulu nanti malas dan terus tido.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
(Apsal aku rasa Taebin ni macam Yamapi pulak dalam mv ni?)
Anyhow, malas.
Malas nak buat translation. Malas malas malas.
Tapi tak boleh nak buat camne. I need the dough for my trip to SEOUL KOREA WOOHOOOO this October. Bukan la tak de uwang sekarang ni, tapi hendak la uwang lebih kan.
Lagikpun dengan mebeli assets ni, sekarang uwang tak boleh nak senang-lenang dibaszirkan. Kena ikat perut dah. Bukanla tak mampu nak makan macam biasa, tapi.. yea perlulah ada kesedaran ngehhhh sebab NAK PEGI SEOUL KOREA WOOHOOOOOO.
Taip translations sikit lagi, pastu solat. Takut kalau solat dulu nanti malas dan terus tido.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Tuesday, August 16
In the mood for Shut Up! by U-Kiss
Balik keje tadi, selepas menghantar Maziah balik ke rumahnya melalui jalan yang lebih senang dari menggunakan jalan ke KL untuk ke Ampang Point, terasa seperti nak makan McD. Tak kisah la GCB ke Filet O Fish ke. Tapi nak McD.
Bila dah sampai dekat2 simpang masuk ke jalan senang nak gi McD, tetiba tukar fikiran, Makan KFC pun bes gak. So pergi la KFC yang dekat BBA itu.
Kepala dah terbayang Colonel burger yang double tu. Macam bes. Tapi bila sampai kat kaunter, gatal mintak Xmeal.
Pastu cashier tu pun cakap, ayam tinggal yang spicy je. Alamak! Sudah merasa sedikit kureng sebab kurang minat ayam spicy KFC. Tapi sebab terasa nak makan ayam so beli la jugak.
Sampai rumah, sekali tengok.. ada sate. Ngek. Selalu macam ni. Andainya aku tahu ada sate kat rumah, tak de la aku beli ayam spicy tu.
Tapi since dah beli, maka aku ngap jugak la. Sebab seketul je. Nanti kalau tinggalkan untuk semua olang time sahur, rasa tak fair pulak sebab seketul je.
Lepas makan ayam spicy tu, sakit kepala akibat minyak. Ntah-ntah sebab tapak kasut. Ngek. Padan muka, nak beli sangat.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Balik keje tadi, selepas menghantar Maziah balik ke rumahnya melalui jalan yang lebih senang dari menggunakan jalan ke KL untuk ke Ampang Point, terasa seperti nak makan McD. Tak kisah la GCB ke Filet O Fish ke. Tapi nak McD.
Bila dah sampai dekat2 simpang masuk ke jalan senang nak gi McD, tetiba tukar fikiran, Makan KFC pun bes gak. So pergi la KFC yang dekat BBA itu.
Kepala dah terbayang Colonel burger yang double tu. Macam bes. Tapi bila sampai kat kaunter, gatal mintak Xmeal.
Pastu cashier tu pun cakap, ayam tinggal yang spicy je. Alamak! Sudah merasa sedikit kureng sebab kurang minat ayam spicy KFC. Tapi sebab terasa nak makan ayam so beli la jugak.
Sampai rumah, sekali tengok.. ada sate. Ngek. Selalu macam ni. Andainya aku tahu ada sate kat rumah, tak de la aku beli ayam spicy tu.
Tapi since dah beli, maka aku ngap jugak la. Sebab seketul je. Nanti kalau tinggalkan untuk semua olang time sahur, rasa tak fair pulak sebab seketul je.
Lepas makan ayam spicy tu, sakit kepala akibat minyak. Ntah-ntah sebab tapak kasut. Ngek. Padan muka, nak beli sangat.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Friday, August 12
I have a translation due 9am today but I don't care because I want to post this.
Jamming to Be Mine by Infinite.
I've been listening to K-pop since 12 years ago. This length of time also includes my sibs, meaning my youngest sister who is now 20 years old have been a seonbae to you people who just started listening to Kpop and think SuJu or TVXQ or Big Bang is the best in the world and no one can compete with them at all.
But that's not the story I'm telling today.
I've been listening to K-pop since 12 years ago. This length of time also includes my sibs, meaning my youngest sister who is now 20 years old have been a seonbae to you people who just started listening to Kpop and think SuJu or TVXQ or Big Bang is the best in the world and no one can compete with them at all.
But that's not the story I'm telling today.
Tuesday, August 9
On the bus on my way to work.
Typing on Gary right now. Sebenarnya tengah buat translation, tapi ada translator's block pulak. Ingat senang ke nak buat translasi without any dictionary or references? Bas ni pulak, konon la ada wifi. Beriye2 pulak hari tu cakap itu semua ada masa memula nak tukar bas. Sigh.
Pakcik ni guna jalan jauh la pulak. Aku ni dah la sakit perut pulak tetiba. Sigh. Hopefully dapat bertahan la sampai ke office :D
Ok back on the track. Actually am typing this because I do realise my lack of posts. Am not trying to give excuses, but really the main reason should be this work lah. Sungguh, I do have lots to blog before, but everytime I'mma start I will automatically think of translating. And then terus lupa apa nak blog.
Also, sebab I don't really prefer to type in my iPod due to its small screen; nak kena banyak scroll. So, dengan adanya Gary ni dapat lah aku memblog bila tengah alami translator's block.
Selalunya kalau aku tak tido dalam bas, I will busy playing games while listening to music; which also contributes to the lack of posts. Someone told me to taip je la from my iPod, but then when you have the source of something fun you'd be inclined to do that, no?
Guess this is enough for now. Gotta do what I gotta do.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Pakcik ni guna jalan jauh la pulak. Aku ni dah la sakit perut pulak tetiba. Sigh. Hopefully dapat bertahan la sampai ke office :D
Ok back on the track. Actually am typing this because I do realise my lack of posts. Am not trying to give excuses, but really the main reason should be this work lah. Sungguh, I do have lots to blog before, but everytime I'mma start I will automatically think of translating. And then terus lupa apa nak blog.
Also, sebab I don't really prefer to type in my iPod due to its small screen; nak kena banyak scroll. So, dengan adanya Gary ni dapat lah aku memblog bila tengah alami translator's block.
Selalunya kalau aku tak tido dalam bas, I will busy playing games while listening to music; which also contributes to the lack of posts. Someone told me to taip je la from my iPod, but then when you have the source of something fun you'd be inclined to do that, no?
Guess this is enough for now. Gotta do what I gotta do.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Baby, Say Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yezzaaaaa

p/s btw am keeping away the poster. G.O's chest hair gives me the creeps.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Sunday, August 7
In the mood for Goodbye, Baby by Miss A
Nothing to be updated this week, other than an episode which happened earlier this week. But that one is not appropriate for posting in this holy month, so yeah.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Nothing to be updated this week, other than an episode which happened earlier this week. But that one is not appropriate for posting in this holy month, so yeah.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Saturday, July 30
Sesungguhnya Kue Capek.
In the mood for Don't Spray Perfume by TeenTop.

Sesungguhnya aku dah penat merushkan diri membuat trans untuk rancangan di atas. Mana taknye, 2 episod dalam seminggu. Dah 3 minggu dah ni. Ada 2 episod lagi to go.
Actuallynye tak de la perasan sangat kecapekan diri melampau ni, sampai la Faa kasitau dia buat ser pun buleh capek.
Minggu depan kena stop dah. Sebab akan busy giler dengan keje sebenar. Tak sanggup nak capek2 melampau di bulan Ramadhan.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy

Sesungguhnya aku dah penat merushkan diri membuat trans untuk rancangan di atas. Mana taknye, 2 episod dalam seminggu. Dah 3 minggu dah ni. Ada 2 episod lagi to go.
Actuallynye tak de la perasan sangat kecapekan diri melampau ni, sampai la Faa kasitau dia buat ser pun buleh capek.
Minggu depan kena stop dah. Sebab akan busy giler dengan keje sebenar. Tak sanggup nak capek2 melampau di bulan Ramadhan.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Tuesday, July 26
Kisah Kopi Putih Pukul 2:30 Pagi.
Padan muka tak dapat nak tido. Badan dah mengantuk tapi mata tak leh nak tutup.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
After School's "Bang!" PV Japanese version.
Friday, July 22
Kisah Tenet Tiada Berguna.
Adikku tepon Unifi hari tu. Boleh pulak depa cakap Unifi akan masuk ke kawasan rumah aku ni tahun 2012. 2012?? Adeh sakitnye hati aku dengar. Padahal bukan jauh sangat rumah aku dengan Kampung Melayu Ampang tu, tapi kat sana dah ada? Gaban tul.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Kisah Tidur Tak Cukup.
Balik je dari Cyber itu hari, pengsan selama 12 jam. Tak cukup pun sebenarnye kalau nak kira-kira ganti tidur sepanjang minggu lepas.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Kisah Translasi, Lagi.
Hmm makin banyak pulak job yang dia kasi ni... kalau nak ambik full time takpe jugak. Manalah aku ada masa nak siapkan semua dalam masa seminggu. Bila la pulak aku nak sambung nengok Best Love & City Hunter dan mulakan cerita Romance Town? Huhahihohehuhihohahuhuhu
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Kisah Langgar Lari.
Posts Due.
iTunes playin' Good Bye Baby by Miss A
The next three posts were actually intended to be posted on the 18th of July.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
The next three posts were actually intended to be posted on the 18th of July.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Tuesday, July 12
Sorry. Had to.
In the mood for Mona Lisa by Mblaq.

Pic source: AllKpop
Lyrics source: Melon
Leggo everybody on the left
everybody on the right
everybody everybody in the house say
Lalalalala Oh Lalalalala Oh
Bฺaby say yeah yeah yeah yes
Don't say no no no no
눈을 뗄 수 없어
널 가질수가 없대도 도 도 도
이런 적 첨이야 나를 봐
왜 어딜 봐 불러도
아무 대답 없는 넌 모나리자
여긴 너의 자리야 날 떠나지마
I Know I Know I Know I Know
사랑해 사랑해 사랑한다
태양보다 뜨겁게 원한다
넌 가질 수 없는
모나리자 같아서 두려워
내게 안녕이라 말하지마
그런 눈빛으로 내게 말하지마
모나리자 같은 표정을하고
Oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh
난 멍하니서서 바라보고있어
You never Know
니가 내여자가 될지
난 결국 또 너를 바라보게 됐지
아무말 없이 무표정한듯
웃으며 넌 멀어지고있어
I Know I Know I Know I Know
사랑해 사랑해 사랑한다
이렇게 소리쳐 불러본다
넌 가질 수 없는
모나리자 같아서 두려워
내게 안녕이라 말하지마 그런
눈빛으로 내게 말하지마
모나리자 같은 표정을 하고
Oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh
난 멍하니서서 바라보고있어
널 만질수는 없지만
널 가질수는 없지만 널원해
everybody on the left
everybody on the right
everybody everybody
in the house say
Lalalalala Oh Lalalalala Oh
내게 안녕이라 말하지마
그런 눈빛으로 내게 말하지마
모나리자 같은 표정을 하고
Oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh
난 멍하니서서 바라보고있어
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy

Pic source: AllKpop
Lyrics source: Melon
Leggo everybody on the left
everybody on the right
everybody everybody in the house say
Lalalalala Oh Lalalalala Oh
Bฺaby say yeah yeah yeah yes
Don't say no no no no
눈을 뗄 수 없어
널 가질수가 없대도 도 도 도
이런 적 첨이야 나를 봐
왜 어딜 봐 불러도
아무 대답 없는 넌 모나리자
여긴 너의 자리야 날 떠나지마
I Know I Know I Know I Know
사랑해 사랑해 사랑한다
태양보다 뜨겁게 원한다
넌 가질 수 없는
모나리자 같아서 두려워
내게 안녕이라 말하지마
그런 눈빛으로 내게 말하지마
모나리자 같은 표정을하고
Oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh
난 멍하니서서 바라보고있어
You never Know
니가 내여자가 될지
난 결국 또 너를 바라보게 됐지
아무말 없이 무표정한듯
웃으며 넌 멀어지고있어
I Know I Know I Know I Know
사랑해 사랑해 사랑한다
이렇게 소리쳐 불러본다
넌 가질 수 없는
모나리자 같아서 두려워
내게 안녕이라 말하지마 그런
눈빛으로 내게 말하지마
모나리자 같은 표정을 하고
Oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh
난 멍하니서서 바라보고있어
널 만질수는 없지만
널 가질수는 없지만 널원해
everybody on the left
everybody on the right
everybody everybody
in the house say
Lalalalala Oh Lalalalala Oh
내게 안녕이라 말하지마
그런 눈빛으로 내게 말하지마
모나리자 같은 표정을 하고
Oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh
난 멍하니서서 바라보고있어
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Sunday, July 10
iTunes playin' by In the mood for Roly Poly by T-ara (ntah sampai bila la tak tau la)
Malas pulak nak update blog. Tapi lagi malas nak sambung buat translasi. Dan dah malas pulak nak main games. Lagi2 on iPod. Jadi... update je la.
Cakap pasal keje translasi ni, woohoooo invoice dah hantar. Takat USD60 tu, ape la sangat. Tapi seronok jugak dapat. Tu yang membuak2 nak membuat translasi lagi walaupun dah maklum awal bulan sangat packed.
Oh kalau anda tertanya2 apakah jenis translasi yang saya lakukan - translate english to BM for Korean TV shows. Amacam?
Buat translasi ni bukan susah sangat pun sebenarnye. Yang penting, trans in English perlu ada dulu. Kemudian, perlu faham culture dan intonasi yang digunakan dalam rancangan tersebut. Bila dah lengkap semua tu, baru boleh jalankan tugas dengan bersungguh-sungguh.
Satu je yang kurang best kalau buat mende alah ni. Sebab perkataan BM kan mostly panjang2, so kadang2 tensen la jugak camna nak pendekkannya dan dalam pada masa yang sama nak kasi makna dia tak lari. Contohnya
Kalau makna dia dah bulat2 macam tu, payah la jugak nak pendekkan. Jadi dalam situasi ini video dia boleh membantu. Katakanlah watak dalam vid tu cakap:
So boleh la nak pendekkan BM trans jadi:
Makna still tak lari. Gitu lah.
Hah lepas tu, lepas buat 2 episod ni, aku rasa skill menaip aku dah bertambah baik ngeeeee dah tak perlu sangat nak nengok keyboard selalu. Meaning aku leh taip sambil nengok monitor most of the time la, error rate kurang dah MUAHAHAHAHAH (but then I realised that it is still limited to freestyle words, dan bukan keje2 formal huhuhuh)
Wokeh la dah lambat dah ni. Esok ni busy satu hari, takut tak sempat pulak nak kejar deadline Selasa ni huhuhuu.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Malas pulak nak update blog. Tapi lagi malas nak sambung buat translasi. Dan dah malas pulak nak main games. Lagi2 on iPod. Jadi... update je la.
Cakap pasal keje translasi ni, woohoooo invoice dah hantar. Takat USD60 tu, ape la sangat. Tapi seronok jugak dapat. Tu yang membuak2 nak membuat translasi lagi walaupun dah maklum awal bulan sangat packed.
Oh kalau anda tertanya2 apakah jenis translasi yang saya lakukan - translate english to BM for Korean TV shows. Amacam?
Buat translasi ni bukan susah sangat pun sebenarnye. Yang penting, trans in English perlu ada dulu. Kemudian, perlu faham culture dan intonasi yang digunakan dalam rancangan tersebut. Bila dah lengkap semua tu, baru boleh jalankan tugas dengan bersungguh-sungguh.
Satu je yang kurang best kalau buat mende alah ni. Sebab perkataan BM kan mostly panjang2, so kadang2 tensen la jugak camna nak pendekkannya dan dalam pada masa yang sama nak kasi makna dia tak lari. Contohnya
English: Don't you know that I love you?
Tapi BM: Awak tak tahukah yang saya cintakan awak?
Kalau makna dia dah bulat2 macam tu, payah la jugak nak pendekkan. Jadi dalam situasi ini video dia boleh membantu. Katakanlah watak dalam vid tu cakap:
Saranghae, molla?
So boleh la nak pendekkan BM trans jadi:
Saya cintakan awak, tak tahu kah?
Makna still tak lari. Gitu lah.
Hah lepas tu, lepas buat 2 episod ni, aku rasa skill menaip aku dah bertambah baik ngeeeee dah tak perlu sangat nak nengok keyboard selalu. Meaning aku leh taip sambil nengok monitor most of the time la, error rate kurang dah MUAHAHAHAHAH (but then I realised that it is still limited to freestyle words, dan bukan keje2 formal huhuhuh)
Wokeh la dah lambat dah ni. Esok ni busy satu hari, takut tak sempat pulak nak kejar deadline Selasa ni huhuhuu.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Sunday, July 3
Not-So-Express Lane
In the mood for Roly Poly by T-ara (lagi!)
Selalu bila aku beli beberapa barangan yang jumlahnye kurang dari 10, tentu la nak bayar kat express lane kan. Sah2 la tanak beratur panjang semata2 nak bayar roti Gardenia sebungkus dan air Pulpy orange sebotol.
Tapi sah2 tensen kalau ade jugak orang yang tak reti bahasa, barang over limit, beratur kat express lane.
It's either diorang ni tak pandai baca, tak pandai kira, atau simply bangang.
Kalau ikut rasa hati, nak je sound. Tapi sebab
1. considerate la jugak sebab line lain pun panjang dan dia pun dah masuk line tu, and
2. malas nak gaduh,
so selalunye sound dalam hati la.
Tapi kot ye pun, cashier tak boleh ke nak sound orang tu? Aku rasa aku pernah encounter sekali je, kat KL, cashier tu sound sorang ni sebab barang lebih dari limit. Memang tabik tul ngan dia.
Aku rase kan, patut kedai2 yang ada express lane ni enforcekan syarat ni: satu barang exceed limit, caj rm0.20. Orang Malaysia ni kan semua berkira, mesti makin lama makin kurang. Lepas tu kalau still ada orang degil, naikkan je jadi rm0.50. Hambek kau. Beli jajan Mamee elok2 rm0.30 sebungkus jadi rm0.80. Bengkek ada?
Ni yang nak hantar cadangan kat local newspaper ni.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Selalu bila aku beli beberapa barangan yang jumlahnye kurang dari 10, tentu la nak bayar kat express lane kan. Sah2 la tanak beratur panjang semata2 nak bayar roti Gardenia sebungkus dan air Pulpy orange sebotol.
Tapi sah2 tensen kalau ade jugak orang yang tak reti bahasa, barang over limit, beratur kat express lane.
It's either diorang ni tak pandai baca, tak pandai kira, atau simply bangang.
Kalau ikut rasa hati, nak je sound. Tapi sebab
1. considerate la jugak sebab line lain pun panjang dan dia pun dah masuk line tu, and
2. malas nak gaduh,
so selalunye sound dalam hati la.
Tapi kot ye pun, cashier tak boleh ke nak sound orang tu? Aku rasa aku pernah encounter sekali je, kat KL, cashier tu sound sorang ni sebab barang lebih dari limit. Memang tabik tul ngan dia.
Aku rase kan, patut kedai2 yang ada express lane ni enforcekan syarat ni: satu barang exceed limit, caj rm0.20. Orang Malaysia ni kan semua berkira, mesti makin lama makin kurang. Lepas tu kalau still ada orang degil, naikkan je jadi rm0.50. Hambek kau. Beli jajan Mamee elok2 rm0.30 sebungkus jadi rm0.80. Bengkek ada?
Ni yang nak hantar cadangan kat local newspaper ni.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Friday, July 1
Down with Flu, so Malas nak Update Anything.
Nah layan Roly Poly comeback stage 30 June 2011 instead.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Sunday, June 26
Guess what?
Saturday, June 25
Malas Nak Layan.
Khamis baru ni masa nak lintas ke opposite Ampang Point sebab nak cepat2 naik bas, tiba-tiba je banyak kereta. Agak tension la gak sebab dah sampai masa bas nak jalan pulak.
Bila dah naik bas, tak ada option lain dari belakang driver. Yang sebelah lagi satu tu co-driver dia menyemak duduk.
Sekali, tengah aku duk arrange paper atas kerusi sebelah ni sebab nak letak bebarang aku, tetiba terdengar pulak pasal dreba dengan sebelah ni cakap pasal lintas jalan banyak kereta. Then tetiba dia tanya aku pulak kalau banyak kereta nak lintas camne.
Apsal pulak ni? Nak borak dua orang, takyah la nak libatkan orang lain.
Marah pulak aku bila tetiba dia tanya. Tanya style sindir2 pulak tu.
Mulut pulak saje baik hati nak jawab dengan nada tensen. Pandai2 lah, jawab mulut yang boleh je nak diam kasi nampak macam aku ni pekak.
Terus aku sumbat telinga dengan earphone.
Sent from my iPod
Bila dah naik bas, tak ada option lain dari belakang driver. Yang sebelah lagi satu tu co-driver dia menyemak duduk.
Sekali, tengah aku duk arrange paper atas kerusi sebelah ni sebab nak letak bebarang aku, tetiba terdengar pulak pasal dreba dengan sebelah ni cakap pasal lintas jalan banyak kereta. Then tetiba dia tanya aku pulak kalau banyak kereta nak lintas camne.
Apsal pulak ni? Nak borak dua orang, takyah la nak libatkan orang lain.
Marah pulak aku bila tetiba dia tanya. Tanya style sindir2 pulak tu.
Mulut pulak saje baik hati nak jawab dengan nada tensen. Pandai2 lah, jawab mulut yang boleh je nak diam kasi nampak macam aku ni pekak.
Terus aku sumbat telinga dengan earphone.
Sent from my iPod
Saturday, June 18
Plans Revised.
Lagu berirama Bossa Nova di belakang.
Tak suka betul kalau ape yang berlaku tak ikut plan.
Am supposed to go out today for a food testing session. Memula semalam minah tu cakap kat Bora Asmara. Aku tanye la, yang kat Ampang tu ke? Dia pun bersungguh2 cakap iye. Sekali bila pergi sana, sorang pun takde. Rupenye yang kat Kg. Sungai Penchala. Haisy.
And supposednye klua tu tengahari, leh gi jalan2 soping jap. Sekali sorang kawanku cakap dia ade keje translasi untuk aku. So since dia gi opis dia tengahari, maka petang la baru aku leh klua.
And supposednye aku klua ni sebab nak dunlut. Connection kat rumah kan macam gampang. Sekali bila dah sampai kedai kopi, nak dunlut, tengok file 700mb+. Sah2 la lebih 3 jam paling cepat pun (mungkin kalau ade unifilagi kejap kot?
And supposednye lepas food testing tu gi soping. Hm. Gi soping skarang la. Ta.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Tak suka betul kalau ape yang berlaku tak ikut plan.
Am supposed to go out today for a food testing session. Memula semalam minah tu cakap kat Bora Asmara. Aku tanye la, yang kat Ampang tu ke? Dia pun bersungguh2 cakap iye. Sekali bila pergi sana, sorang pun takde. Rupenye yang kat Kg. Sungai Penchala. Haisy.
And supposednye klua tu tengahari, leh gi jalan2 soping jap. Sekali sorang kawanku cakap dia ade keje translasi untuk aku. So since dia gi opis dia tengahari, maka petang la baru aku leh klua.
And supposednye aku klua ni sebab nak dunlut. Connection kat rumah kan macam gampang. Sekali bila dah sampai kedai kopi, nak dunlut, tengok file 700mb+. Sah2 la lebih 3 jam paling cepat pun (mungkin kalau ade unifilagi kejap kot?
And supposednye lepas food testing tu gi soping. Hm. Gi soping skarang la. Ta.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Thursday, June 16
In the mood for Girl You Know It's True by Milli Vanilli.
First time aku lalu sebelah kenderaan terbakar, aku yang drive. Posisi kereta tu hampir dengan tengah jalan, so bila aku drive tepi, terasa bahang. Takut kalau tiba2 kereta tu meletup vavavoom pulak.
Terasa jugak nak ambik gambar nak letak dalam blog. Tapi alhamdulillah fon abis bateri. Malas pulak nak masukkan bateri dalam DigiHari. So tak de la aku akan mengambil gambar, mengupload ke blog bersama entry ni, dan rasa bersalah sebab menyibuk je.
Tak ramai pulak yang berenti masa aku lalu tu. Both sides. Aku rase seperti accident tu baru je berlaku tu. Tu yang lagi nak cepat2 blah dari situ, takut tetiba dia nak meletup pulak dah kan. Polis pun baru sampai. Tak de bunyi ambulans atau bomba.
Bila dah lepas traffic light masuk simpang ke rumah, aku terfikir balik. Sempat ke driver tu keluar kereta? Ade ke orang kat sebelah masa accident tu berlaku? Nampak tadi pintu sebelah driver terbukak, sempat la kot bergolek sebelum kereta terbakar.
Ih. Ngeri.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
First time aku lalu sebelah kenderaan terbakar, aku yang drive. Posisi kereta tu hampir dengan tengah jalan, so bila aku drive tepi, terasa bahang. Takut kalau tiba2 kereta tu meletup vavavoom pulak.
Terasa jugak nak ambik gambar nak letak dalam blog. Tapi alhamdulillah fon abis bateri. Malas pulak nak masukkan bateri dalam DigiHari. So tak de la aku akan mengambil gambar, mengupload ke blog bersama entry ni, dan rasa bersalah sebab menyibuk je.
Tak ramai pulak yang berenti masa aku lalu tu. Both sides. Aku rase seperti accident tu baru je berlaku tu. Tu yang lagi nak cepat2 blah dari situ, takut tetiba dia nak meletup pulak dah kan. Polis pun baru sampai. Tak de bunyi ambulans atau bomba.
Bila dah lepas traffic light masuk simpang ke rumah, aku terfikir balik. Sempat ke driver tu keluar kereta? Ade ke orang kat sebelah masa accident tu berlaku? Nampak tadi pintu sebelah driver terbukak, sempat la kot bergolek sebelum kereta terbakar.
Ih. Ngeri.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Monday, June 13
Take Off
In the mood for Take Off by 2PM

These kids are ready for their take off this afternoon.
One will go to Finland, another to Shanghai, the rest to Russia, USA and the Netherlands.
Have to admit, even after over a year sending and receiving postcards through Postcrossing, I've never get bored of it. A bit malas, yeah, at several points of time. But never bored.
Wanna know why?
I love the feeling of receiving postcards. Nope, not only that. Snail mails included. And oh, packages too. Especially internationally. And I bet most of us feels the same too.
A friend once was a bit skeptical to this exchange. There's this hidden danger to this by exposing your address to the world, that said friend said. True, true.
This thing is actually more or less like that international pen pal thingy I once took part in many many years ago. You give out your address in order to get someone else's address, so you can start your search for a prince from other country. Well, not actually for that purpose, but it sure feels great if you got one. And I remember paying RM2 (or was it RM20? Tak ingat, around that la kot) to get my name and address in the loop.
The most significant pen pal I had that time was someone by the name of Micaela Kurcgor or something like that, from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She was the only pen pal whom I kept in touch the longest, about 4-6 years I guess; lost contact when both of us enter pre-U (she went to a college, guess pre-U only exists in Malaysia?), and also due to the information age where snail mails are thing of the past.
The similar thing about this Postcrossing and that pen pal thingy is both are relying heavily on trust. Providing personal information is an act of trust and should be taken seriously. They should only provide your address to the intended recipient, and you will have to trust them for this to happen.
Yes, you should not simply trust anyone. Especially the net. But by being too rigid, you are shielding yourselves from the many incredible possibilities of the world.
I've broken out of this shell when I first did my online transaction to buy books from MPH (at that time I don't think Postcrossing already existed).
When I first set up my Postcrossing account, I was being very cautious. But when the postcards started to came in, I felt very happy (especially when I received those cute ones =] ) I even set up another account for this.
So.. why don't you get ready for your take off?
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy

These kids are ready for their take off this afternoon.
One will go to Finland, another to Shanghai, the rest to Russia, USA and the Netherlands.
Have to admit, even after over a year sending and receiving postcards through Postcrossing, I've never get bored of it. A bit malas, yeah, at several points of time. But never bored.
Wanna know why?
I love the feeling of receiving postcards. Nope, not only that. Snail mails included. And oh, packages too. Especially internationally. And I bet most of us feels the same too.
A friend once was a bit skeptical to this exchange. There's this hidden danger to this by exposing your address to the world, that said friend said. True, true.
This thing is actually more or less like that international pen pal thingy I once took part in many many years ago. You give out your address in order to get someone else's address, so you can start your search for a prince from other country. Well, not actually for that purpose, but it sure feels great if you got one. And I remember paying RM2 (or was it RM20? Tak ingat, around that la kot) to get my name and address in the loop.
The most significant pen pal I had that time was someone by the name of Micaela Kurcgor or something like that, from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She was the only pen pal whom I kept in touch the longest, about 4-6 years I guess; lost contact when both of us enter pre-U (she went to a college, guess pre-U only exists in Malaysia?), and also due to the information age where snail mails are thing of the past.
The similar thing about this Postcrossing and that pen pal thingy is both are relying heavily on trust. Providing personal information is an act of trust and should be taken seriously. They should only provide your address to the intended recipient, and you will have to trust them for this to happen.
Yes, you should not simply trust anyone. Especially the net. But by being too rigid, you are shielding yourselves from the many incredible possibilities of the world.
I've broken out of this shell when I first did my online transaction to buy books from MPH (at that time I don't think Postcrossing already existed).
When I first set up my Postcrossing account, I was being very cautious. But when the postcards started to came in, I felt very happy (especially when I received those cute ones =] ) I even set up another account for this.
So.. why don't you get ready for your take off?
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Wednesday, June 8
A Horrid Sunday
[This post contains graphical references. Avoid reading if you hate to read anything with regards to body fluid disposal, something like that. You have been warned, and any distasteful remarks will be deleted.]
Maybe it was because of something I ate on Saturday, my stomach started to buat hal on Sunday morning about 8.05-ish.
Maybe it was because of something I ate on Saturday, my stomach started to buat hal on Sunday morning about 8.05-ish.
A Post Delayed.
Not this one. There's one in my iPod, waiting to be finished. This is just garnish. To keep this blog alive. Something like that la.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Friday, June 3
Bengang Ajer.
In the mood for Like This, Like That by 5Dolls

I hate it when my internet's down. It's not like I can't do anything else when it's down. In fact, it gives me the perfect opportunity to blog. But then, due to the high level of malasness... I need not to say more.
I think I have done a post like this one before. But then I don't really care of how many times I've been ranting about internet connection yang mega sucks. And I really want to know, is it just me, or are there any other angry souls who face this same shitty experience.
Kalau aku ade tak bayar langsung ni tak pe la jugak serbis macam ni. Ni tiap2 bulan on time tu. Dah la aku cakap toksah call lagi pasal auto payment, dia pi call aku lagi 3 kali? Tak reti bahasa kot?
Konon la platinum winner of RD's Trusted Brand 2011. Kepala bapak hang la.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy

I think I have done a post like this one before. But then I don't really care of how many times I've been ranting about internet connection yang mega sucks. And I really want to know, is it just me, or are there any other angry souls who face this same shitty experience.
Kalau aku ade tak bayar langsung ni tak pe la jugak serbis macam ni. Ni tiap2 bulan on time tu. Dah la aku cakap toksah call lagi pasal auto payment, dia pi call aku lagi 3 kali? Tak reti bahasa kot?
Konon la platinum winner of RD's Trusted Brand 2011. Kepala bapak hang la.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Friday, May 27
Puan R di Bank M
Beberapa orang dah tau aku nak beli rumah dekat lubuk yang sedang membangun sana. Jadi untuk melunaskan cita-cita (betul ke penggunaan melunas ni tah) mesti la nak kena apply loan.
Maka tengah-tengah mensurvey ni, pergi la dekat Bank M kat BBA ni sebab omma dah buat appointment dengan Puan R. Sampai-sampai je Puan R ni takde kat meja dia, pegi mana tah. Lepas agak dalam 5-8 minit gitu baru dia ade. Rude #1.
Omma pun mula la bercakap. Puan R ni mungkin la tengah mendengar, tapi tangan ngan mata kat blackberry. Rude #2.
Tengah omma mengeksplen, tiba-tiba dia cakap kuat "bak sini IC." Ingatkan dia cakap kat kitorang, rupanya kat kawan dia. Rude #3, and rude #4.
Dah selesai dia berBB dan menolong kawan dia while we're sitting in front of her buat-buat cakap pasal loan ASB, dia pun bertukar ke mode service excellence. Sekali lagi tengah omma duk explain, tetiba dia divert attention, kali ni kat sorang Tuan Haji ni. Walaupun cakap pasal kes tanah runtuh baru ni, still rude jugak. So yang ni rude #5.
Dalam masa sejam yang pendek tu, dia boleh rude kat kitorang 4-5 kali. Bukan dia tak boleh cakap sorry ke excuse me ke. Customer ade depan mata kot.
Dengan perangai macam tu, tambah lagi dengan appearance (pakai tudung siti jarang nampak rambut kuning; kuku panjang bercutex clear- maybe pakai dari 2-3 minggu lepas lagi kot; muka lak sungguh smug), nak jual kat aku Islamic loan... baik tak payah kot.
Sent from my iPod
Maka tengah-tengah mensurvey ni, pergi la dekat Bank M kat BBA ni sebab omma dah buat appointment dengan Puan R. Sampai-sampai je Puan R ni takde kat meja dia, pegi mana tah. Lepas agak dalam 5-8 minit gitu baru dia ade. Rude #1.
Omma pun mula la bercakap. Puan R ni mungkin la tengah mendengar, tapi tangan ngan mata kat blackberry. Rude #2.
Tengah omma mengeksplen, tiba-tiba dia cakap kuat "bak sini IC." Ingatkan dia cakap kat kitorang, rupanya kat kawan dia. Rude #3, and rude #4.
Dah selesai dia berBB dan menolong kawan dia while we're sitting in front of her buat-buat cakap pasal loan ASB, dia pun bertukar ke mode service excellence. Sekali lagi tengah omma duk explain, tetiba dia divert attention, kali ni kat sorang Tuan Haji ni. Walaupun cakap pasal kes tanah runtuh baru ni, still rude jugak. So yang ni rude #5.
Dalam masa sejam yang pendek tu, dia boleh rude kat kitorang 4-5 kali. Bukan dia tak boleh cakap sorry ke excuse me ke. Customer ade depan mata kot.
Dengan perangai macam tu, tambah lagi dengan appearance (pakai tudung siti jarang nampak rambut kuning; kuku panjang bercutex clear- maybe pakai dari 2-3 minggu lepas lagi kot; muka lak sungguh smug), nak jual kat aku Islamic loan... baik tak payah kot.
Sent from my iPod
Saturday, May 21
Tuesday, May 10
U.S.S. Part I
iTunes playin' Please Don't Cry by Park Bom
Pagi tu kami bangun awal, kul 6:45am dah turun makan breakfast.

Since Chinese breakfast (vegetarian) cuma ada kul 8:30am, so we opt for toast and jam (dah dua options tu je yang ade).

Left the building about 7:00am-ish. MRT takde la ramai orang sangat, mostly Filipino & Bangladeshi yang nak kena masuk keje awal. Turun kat MRT Harbour Front nak naik monorel gi Sentosa. Lalu shopping complex dan naik ke level atas sekali.

Pagi tu kami bangun awal, kul 6:45am dah turun makan breakfast.
Since Chinese breakfast (vegetarian) cuma ada kul 8:30am, so we opt for toast and jam (dah dua options tu je yang ade).
Left the building about 7:00am-ish. MRT takde la ramai orang sangat, mostly Filipino & Bangladeshi yang nak kena masuk keje awal. Turun kat MRT Harbour Front nak naik monorel gi Sentosa. Lalu shopping complex dan naik ke level atas sekali.
Saturday, May 7
Monday, April 25
Hari Ini Penat Lagi.
In the mood for Jetcoaster Love by KaRa.
Breakfast kat belakang Risda
Gi Shah Alam 2 nengok rumah
Kluar balik
Minum teh o ais limau kat Pelita
Kena gertak dengan penjaga parkir Pelita
Pegi Wisma MCA ambik barang
Karok kat Gardens
Makan kat Sweetchat Midvalley
On tenet
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Breakfast kat belakang Risda
Gi Shah Alam 2 nengok rumah
Kluar balik
Minum teh o ais limau kat Pelita
Kena gertak dengan penjaga parkir Pelita
Pegi Wisma MCA ambik barang
Karok kat Gardens
Makan kat Sweetchat Midvalley
On tenet
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Saturday, April 23
Tensen dengan tenet.
In the mood for Running Man!!!!
Tenet gua ni kejap ade kejap takde. Takkan aku decide nak pasang unifi je terus merajuk kot? Selagi lom masuk ni aku still bayar bulan2 watttt don't la be like this hasyoooooo
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Tenet gua ni kejap ade kejap takde. Takkan aku decide nak pasang unifi je terus merajuk kot? Selagi lom masuk ni aku still bayar bulan2 watttt don't la be like this hasyoooooo
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Decisions, decisions.
In the mood for My Heart is Beating by K.Will
Have lots to think about nowadays. Most of it involving money. Car, house, travels, studies, room, furnitures, work, etc.
And my own life.
Am trying not to think too deep. Might get drown in it sooner or later. Can see half of me sinking now.
But still, I have to decide on some things, like, pronto.
Takpe lah, some of it boleh tunggu duit kutu bulan tujuh kang.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Have lots to think about nowadays. Most of it involving money. Car, house, travels, studies, room, furnitures, work, etc.
And my own life.
Am trying not to think too deep. Might get drown in it sooner or later. Can see half of me sinking now.
But still, I have to decide on some things, like, pronto.
Takpe lah, some of it boleh tunggu duit kutu bulan tujuh kang.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Judging people is one of my forte.
In the mood for Heartbreaker by G-Dragon.
I don't mind if you want to give me your opinions or assumptions or whatevers. But if you assuming I've nothing better to do other than being brash...
You see, I judge people who are worth judging.
Please don't act like you're "all that", when you don't even practise what you preach.
Also, it doesn't hurt to say sorry if you know you're in the wrong (pesan kat diri sendiri jugak ni).
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
I don't mind if you want to give me your opinions or assumptions or whatevers. But if you assuming I've nothing better to do other than being brash...
You see, I judge people who are worth judging.
Please don't act like you're "all that", when you don't even practise what you preach.
Also, it doesn't hurt to say sorry if you know you're in the wrong (pesan kat diri sendiri jugak ni).
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Why I Like Downloaded Dramas More.
In the mood for Jai Ho by A.R.Rahman (ni Running Man la punye pasal!!
Dah abis tgk Pasta (pinjam DVD Irni). Suka citer tu.
Tapi yang kurang suka ialah dia punye subs.
1. Kejap ade kejap takde.
Dah abis tgk Pasta (pinjam DVD Irni). Suka citer tu.
Tapi yang kurang suka ialah dia punye subs.
1. Kejap ade kejap takde.
Sambutan Ulang Tahun.
In the mood for How Did We Get by Hyori + Daesung.
Well, it was different than previous years'. Am thankful to have so many friends around :)
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Pic Credit:
Brace yourself.
In the mood for Nothing's Over by Infinite.
Multiple text posts ahead.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Multiple text posts ahead.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Monday, April 18
Sunday, April 10
A Satisfying Aglio e Olio
In the mood for Pasta.

Aku tak bape minat sangat makan aglio olio ni. Main reason would be because banyak sangat minyak (well dah nama pun aglio e olio - garlic and olive oil - sah2 banyak minyak).
Tapi lepas nengok cite Pasta ni (thanks to Irni and Wan Noor), rase macam teringin sangat pulak la nak makan.
So last Friday aku pun mengajak Irni pergi mencarik aglio olio ni. Memula plan nak pergi Secret Recipe, last2 detour ke Pizza Hut. Kat situ ade la prawn oglio spaghetti. Rase dia so-so je. Minyak dia pun macam tak cukup, maybe sebab ade prawn so nak kurangkan kolestrol level. Dan juga maybe sebabnye aku rase aku punye resipi lagi sedap kot muahahahaha :P
Anyways, oleh kerana aku teringin sangat nak masak mende alah ni tapi dapur gas tengah buat hal pulak, so aku letak je la resepi aku sendiri.
dB Punye Resepi Vegetarian Aglio, Olio e Amichi (Garlic, Olive Oil and Friends)
Aku tak bape minat sangat makan aglio olio ni. Main reason would be because banyak sangat minyak (well dah nama pun aglio e olio - garlic and olive oil - sah2 banyak minyak).
Tapi lepas nengok cite Pasta ni (thanks to Irni and Wan Noor), rase macam teringin sangat pulak la nak makan.
So last Friday aku pun mengajak Irni pergi mencarik aglio olio ni. Memula plan nak pergi Secret Recipe, last2 detour ke Pizza Hut. Kat situ ade la prawn oglio spaghetti. Rase dia so-so je. Minyak dia pun macam tak cukup, maybe sebab ade prawn so nak kurangkan kolestrol level. Dan juga maybe sebabnye aku rase aku punye resipi lagi sedap kot muahahahaha :P
Anyways, oleh kerana aku teringin sangat nak masak mende alah ni tapi dapur gas tengah buat hal pulak, so aku letak je la resepi aku sendiri.
dB Punye Resepi Vegetarian Aglio, Olio e Amichi (Garlic, Olive Oil and Friends)
Kisah Snob Lagi.
In the mood for Can You Smile by Infinite.

Malam tadi pergi BBQ kat rumah sorang kawan kepada kawan. Kenyang gile la jugak makan kat situ. Ikan pari bakar dia sedap! Marinate dia yang buat sedap tu.. orang yang buat marinate tu cakap dia tambah gula merah. It seems like mende2 yang aku makan sedap recently ade gula merah dalam resepi dia.. heh!
Tapi tu bukan topik perbincangan hari ni.
Malam tadi pergi BBQ kat rumah sorang kawan kepada kawan. Kenyang gile la jugak makan kat situ. Ikan pari bakar dia sedap! Marinate dia yang buat sedap tu.. orang yang buat marinate tu cakap dia tambah gula merah. It seems like mende2 yang aku makan sedap recently ade gula merah dalam resepi dia.. heh!
Tapi tu bukan topik perbincangan hari ni.
iTunes playin' Trasform by Teen Top
Was supposed to get an entry done by last night, but the internet connection is like having its worst crap in the history. I dunno how long I'll be connected this time, hopefully it won't be short-lived. I don't like the idea of typing entries without being connected.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Was supposed to get an entry done by last night, but the internet connection is like having its worst crap in the history. I dunno how long I'll be connected this time, hopefully it won't be short-lived. I don't like the idea of typing entries without being connected.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Saturday, April 2
Catch Me If You Can
Cannot type a decent post. Being caught by Running Man.
update 4:41am
joong ki sungguh cute dlm siri ini. dan sungguh bijak!
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
update 4:41am
joong ki sungguh cute dlm siri ini. dan sungguh bijak!
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Friday, March 25
I Think I Get It Now, Why YG Choose InkiGayo for Comebacks.
In the mood for Twinkle Twinkle by Girls' Day.
Baru je sebenanye nengok comeback perf for BigBang in M!Ca - which is the first music show after InkiGayo (IG hari Ahad, M!Ca Khamis). Diorang performed my two favourite songs in their recent album (mini kot), which are Cafe and Tonight.
Pasal perf Cafe, memang aku paling tengok ialah part Dae. For me, that's the best part in the whole song, followed by TOP's rapping. Memang tak menghampakan seperti part yang lenlain. Dan seperti biasa, not enough Dae. Lepas tu, baru la perf Tonight. Bila dah masuk part ni aku rase agak tensen dengan kameraman dan juga PD. Takkan tak buat study kot, lagu tu kat mana point dia, sapa nyanyi part mana, perlu nak zoom ke tak...
Then teringat, kalau kat IG, cantik je. Memang nampak la depa kasi attention to details. Tak de la perfect; still ade flaw sana sini. Tapi tak de la melampau2 flaw dia. So kirenye, it will unintentionally act as a guide to other music shows on which parts are needed to be highlighted etc.
Maybe sebab YG ni seorang yang prefer perfection, jadi nak la the best for comeback bebudak dia. Ye la, dah spend masa banyak nak hasilkan album, choreograph dance steps siap import trainer lagi, spend on stage costumes, promotions etc., takkan la akan puas hati dengan comeback stage yang hampeh.
Dengan itu, saya pun setuju dengan YG untuk membuat first comeback stages untuk bebdak dia kat IG.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Baru je sebenanye nengok comeback perf for BigBang in M!Ca - which is the first music show after InkiGayo (IG hari Ahad, M!Ca Khamis). Diorang performed my two favourite songs in their recent album (mini kot), which are Cafe and Tonight.
Pasal perf Cafe, memang aku paling tengok ialah part Dae. For me, that's the best part in the whole song, followed by TOP's rapping. Memang tak menghampakan seperti part yang lenlain. Dan seperti biasa, not enough Dae. Lepas tu, baru la perf Tonight. Bila dah masuk part ni aku rase agak tensen dengan kameraman dan juga PD. Takkan tak buat study kot, lagu tu kat mana point dia, sapa nyanyi part mana, perlu nak zoom ke tak...
Then teringat, kalau kat IG, cantik je. Memang nampak la depa kasi attention to details. Tak de la perfect; still ade flaw sana sini. Tapi tak de la melampau2 flaw dia. So kirenye, it will unintentionally act as a guide to other music shows on which parts are needed to be highlighted etc.
Maybe sebab YG ni seorang yang prefer perfection, jadi nak la the best for comeback bebudak dia. Ye la, dah spend masa banyak nak hasilkan album, choreograph dance steps siap import trainer lagi, spend on stage costumes, promotions etc., takkan la akan puas hati dengan comeback stage yang hampeh.
Dengan itu, saya pun setuju dengan YG untuk membuat first comeback stages untuk bebdak dia kat IG.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Monday, March 21
1. Potong queue. Well, tak de queue la pun, tapi kalau aku dah dekat sangat tiba2 ko masuk mencelah, kire potong jugak.
2. Dah la potong queue, lembab pulak nak execute. Contohnye: a) nak beli tiket wayang tapi tak decide lagi nak tengok cite ape; b) masuk lorong paling kanan, lepas tu bawak 80kmj je, padahal speed limit 110kmj kot?!; and c) nak naik bas yang mana kena bayar dulu kat drebar - in my case, nak kena tag iButton - tapi dah lepas pintu pun tak ready lagi, dah la panas kat luar (nasib tak hujan).
3. Dia masuk dulu. Depan ade kosong. Dah gerak sikit ke belakang. Aku tag je, dia trus rush ambik tempat kat depan. Tempat aku selalu duduk. Bukan la nak kata dia takleh duduk situ, tapi a) dia tau kot aku selalu duk situ; b) "gopren" dia banyak kot duk kat blakang; and c) dia dah gerak ke depan kot?!
Ok la 3rd argument tak valid. But that doesn't hide the fact that he's such a douchebag. Masa dia duk mencarik iButton tu, sempat dia toleh kat aku, ingatkan nak kasi aku tag dulu sebab a) tengah panas kot kat luar; b) iButton aku dah ready; and c) the fact yang dia tak jumpa lagi iButton dia. But NOOOO, dia pusing balik dan teruskan geledah.
Lempang kang.
Sent from my iPod
2. Dah la potong queue, lembab pulak nak execute. Contohnye: a) nak beli tiket wayang tapi tak decide lagi nak tengok cite ape; b) masuk lorong paling kanan, lepas tu bawak 80kmj je, padahal speed limit 110kmj kot?!; and c) nak naik bas yang mana kena bayar dulu kat drebar - in my case, nak kena tag iButton - tapi dah lepas pintu pun tak ready lagi, dah la panas kat luar (nasib tak hujan).
3. Dia masuk dulu. Depan ade kosong. Dah gerak sikit ke belakang. Aku tag je, dia trus rush ambik tempat kat depan. Tempat aku selalu duduk. Bukan la nak kata dia takleh duduk situ, tapi a) dia tau kot aku selalu duk situ; b) "gopren" dia banyak kot duk kat blakang; and c) dia dah gerak ke depan kot?!
Ok la 3rd argument tak valid. But that doesn't hide the fact that he's such a douchebag. Masa dia duk mencarik iButton tu, sempat dia toleh kat aku, ingatkan nak kasi aku tag dulu sebab a) tengah panas kot kat luar; b) iButton aku dah ready; and c) the fact yang dia tak jumpa lagi iButton dia. But NOOOO, dia pusing balik dan teruskan geledah.
Lempang kang.
Sent from my iPod
Saturday, March 19
If You're in My Shoes, It Would Be Awkward.
In the mood for Going Crazy by Song JiEun

Color by COLOURlovers
How do you react if someone asks you a question which might put you in an awkward situation?
Case one:
I've been blessed with a not-so-much-of-a-problematic skin. Maybe it runs in my family, from my mum's side.
One day someone said to me,
"Ei muka dB ni tak de masalah pun, licin je tengok"
when I do have scabs from my gatal hands popping my zits before they are big enough to see the world.
If I answered with
"Well it runs in my family"
it sounds so snobbish to me, and make me feel like the other person will think that I'm somewhat superior genetically. But when I answered
"Eh mana ade.. ni nampak ni ade kesan picit jerawat semua"
that person went
"Eii but then tak obvious pe?/Still muka licin pe?/Tak nampak pun?" etc.
Le sigh.
Case 2:
I apply talcum powder on my body after shower. There's this one talcum powder which smells very nice, but then, with that being a talc and like the other talc that I have, I don't think too much about it, and the smell would fade from my sense of smell.
One day I forgot to spray my Daisy, and was a bit bothered since I did not apply perfume at all when I reached the office.
So about 4-5 hours later, when I went to a colleague's place to help her with something, and suddenly she said
"Eii you smell nice! What perfume you used?"
In this real situation, I actually answered
"Eh I tak pakai perfume hari ni." Which immediately sounds snobbish to me upon saying it out loud (as in "I don't smell bad OKAYYYY" like that). Seriously I only remember not wearing any perfume that day and not the part that I wore that sweet smelling talc.
And when I sat back at my desk, THEN I remembered about the talc. But it felt like if I explained it to that colleague at that time, maybe she would say I'm just saying that to cover the snob remark.
You see, the problem in this situation is, nobody had said that to me before. Normally people asked me that question when I DO apply my perfume that day.
Le sigh.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
Color by COLOURlovers
How do you react if someone asks you a question which might put you in an awkward situation?
Case one:
I've been blessed with a not-so-much-of-a-problematic skin. Maybe it runs in my family, from my mum's side.
One day someone said to me,
"Ei muka dB ni tak de masalah pun, licin je tengok"
when I do have scabs from my gatal hands popping my zits before they are big enough to see the world.
If I answered with
"Well it runs in my family"
it sounds so snobbish to me, and make me feel like the other person will think that I'm somewhat superior genetically. But when I answered
"Eh mana ade.. ni nampak ni ade kesan picit jerawat semua"
that person went
"Eii but then tak obvious pe?/Still muka licin pe?/Tak nampak pun?" etc.
Le sigh.
Case 2:
I apply talcum powder on my body after shower. There's this one talcum powder which smells very nice, but then, with that being a talc and like the other talc that I have, I don't think too much about it, and the smell would fade from my sense of smell.
One day I forgot to spray my Daisy, and was a bit bothered since I did not apply perfume at all when I reached the office.
So about 4-5 hours later, when I went to a colleague's place to help her with something, and suddenly she said
"Eii you smell nice! What perfume you used?"
In this real situation, I actually answered
"Eh I tak pakai perfume hari ni." Which immediately sounds snobbish to me upon saying it out loud (as in "I don't smell bad OKAYYYY" like that). Seriously I only remember not wearing any perfume that day and not the part that I wore that sweet smelling talc.
And when I sat back at my desk, THEN I remembered about the talc. But it felt like if I explained it to that colleague at that time, maybe she would say I'm just saying that to cover the snob remark.
You see, the problem in this situation is, nobody had said that to me before. Normally people asked me that question when I DO apply my perfume that day.
Le sigh.
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy
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