Monday, January 23

Ohai... again..

In the mood for Baker King Kim Tak Goo

Alhamdulillah tak pergi beli modem baru tadi. Alhamdulillah.

Had so many things to say, but have so little time. Just as an update to my internet-less weeks:
1. Berjaya tonton Miss Ripley, tapi tensen sebab Ep16 tak leh read. Nak dload balik tapi tenet buat pasal.
2. Berjaya tonton Baker King Kim Tak Goo... one of the dramas which I did not press the speed button... rasa macam everything in every scene perlu ditonton betul2 wooheeeee
3. Berjaya menghabiskan novel BM setebal 3 inci... dalam masa yang agak singkat.
4. Berjaya beli buku2 dalam siri No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency
5. Berjaya tonton No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency Ep2 :D
6. Tak berjaya buat blog entries disebabkan perkara2 di atas.

ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy

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