Friday, March 25

I Think I Get It Now, Why YG Choose InkiGayo for Comebacks.

In the mood for Twinkle Twinkle by Girls' Day.

Baru je sebenanye nengok comeback perf for BigBang in M!Ca - which is the first music show after InkiGayo (IG hari Ahad, M!Ca Khamis). Diorang performed my two favourite songs in their recent album (mini kot), which are Cafe and Tonight.

Pasal perf Cafe, memang aku paling tengok ialah part Dae. For me, that's the best part in the whole song, followed by TOP's rapping. Memang tak menghampakan seperti part yang lenlain. Dan seperti biasa, not enough Dae. Lepas tu, baru la perf Tonight. Bila dah masuk part ni aku rase agak tensen dengan kameraman dan juga PD. Takkan tak buat study kot, lagu tu kat mana point dia, sapa nyanyi part mana, perlu nak zoom ke tak...

Then teringat, kalau kat IG, cantik je. Memang nampak la depa kasi attention to details. Tak de la perfect; still ade flaw sana sini. Tapi tak de la melampau2 flaw dia. So kirenye, it will unintentionally act as a guide to other music shows on which parts are needed to be highlighted etc.

Maybe sebab YG ni seorang yang prefer perfection, jadi nak la the best for comeback bebudak dia. Ye la, dah spend masa banyak nak hasilkan album, choreograph dance steps siap import trainer lagi, spend on stage costumes, promotions etc., takkan la akan puas hati dengan comeback stage yang hampeh.

Dengan itu, saya pun setuju dengan YG untuk membuat first comeback stages untuk bebdak dia kat IG.

ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy

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