Sunday, March 10

A (Wee Bit) Late Revelation

I was just thinking last week about this someone who is, despite his busy and very tight schedule, never fails to update his blog regularly. How did he manage to update them with no-nonsense entries made me think,
"Even this guy could update them whenever he has free time, but me? Wasting it all on refreshing tumblr and twitter; watching K-pop and K-dramas; even fb-ing, when I actually do have the ideas and that wee bit of time."
So then I thought, should I do the same then?

Until it turned out that is quitting his blog - not that I did not know that he will be very tied up until the end of April (I presume).

But behold. I'm not doing this for him. What does he has to do with my blogging, apart from being inspirational?

So expect some more entries in the near future. Especially when I'm embarking another trip come the end of this month, yatta!

But anyway, thanks Kim Dong-wan, for being inspirational to me.

ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy

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