Winamp playin' Sunrise by Norah Jones
(this is inspired by an entry by
enda.. =) thanx for giving me ideas to blog!)
i tend to overuse the word "hampeh". anytime, anywhere. dalam percakapan harian, dalam Y!M, dalam diari, dalam snailmail, dalam email, and even dalam this blog.
my version of hampeh comes from the word "hampas", which, according to my
e-Kamus versi 5.01 (Edisi Professional) means "dregs", "dross", and "waste".
1. dregs: endapan, keladak, lumpur, sampah masyarakat
2. dross: sanga; keladak; bendasing
3. waste: tiada guna, sisa, hampas; pembaziran, pemborosan; membazir
i vote for waste, since "hampas"="tiada guna", and so "hampeh"="tak guno" @ no good. muhehehehe :P
contoh kepenggunaan "hampeh" dalam kehidupan seharian:
R: rufi jek baya 66 ke.. 77 ke
dB: aku lagi rufi nii muhahahaha
R: hahah hampeh!! terus lupa aku nak taip apa
tapi "hampeh" ni ade pulak variasi dia. selalu kalau menaip, i prefer "hampeh"+sz kat belakang. jadik bunyik dia semacam teremphasize gitu. tak caye, cuba la sebut. hampehsz.. kan? pastu ade plak orang guna "hampehhh" dengan exact 3 h di belakang. ade juga orang guna "hampeeeh", bunyi cam kambing sket.
and so, this is my hasil penyelidikan penggunaan "hampeh" on the net, searched using google:
1. hampeh
about 4,030 results for hampeh gained in about 0.75 seconds. among yang menarik perhatian aku:
tatau la site ni pasal ape, tak paham langsung (and malas nak browse around), tapi ade semacam disclaimer:
This picture is part of an Internet Art Installation. All Text is based on user input and automatically generated. oh... rasenye pasal photography kot. click je kat gambar tu.
ni pulak homepage rasmi chatters #kerek kat irc (a.k.a. budak-budak hampeh). ade gambar bunga matahari dan juga cipan. tatau la ape purpose and kaitan dedua gambar tu. eh, pak dugong pun ade. tuan punye homepage berharap "dengan wujudnya ompej ini, maka bertambah kerek lah lagi warga #kerek semua".. heh.
pastu kalau korang terasa nak mempromote blog korang kat blog malaysian malay yang lain, boleh la taip perkataan ni kat searchbox mana2 since kebanyakan malay bloggers ada word ni dalam entries diorang hinss :P work like a charm for me!
but then, when i tried to find out what thinks of "hampeh", result: Sorry, Google doesn't know enough about hampeh yet.
never mind that.
2. hampehh (2 h)
yg ni ade 330 results. selalu orang guna either nak stresskan kentensionan diorang, atau sekadar typo. banyak dijumpai di forum2 pasal sukan, artis melayu, mp3, download, etc. banyakjuga di blog2. yeahh.
3. hampehhh (3 h - triple H gitu muhahahaha)
yg ni amazingly less 110 than the one with 2 h at the time of query. kalau dah 3 h ni, memang nak menunjukkan stress diorang la. selalu takde typo.
contohnye from this url, seorang mamat frust telah menaip:
dalam url yang lain pula ( ):
... parking kat sini punyer ler payah. Makanan dier mahal gilos plak tu, hampehhh!! Keesokkan harinyer plak diadakan aktiviti mencari ...
4. hampehhhh (4 h pulak)
sama reason cam 3 h.
5. hampehs.
ha yang ni magic. bila googled, most of the result tajuk dia
Hampehs! What The Hell Is It?. it turns out, ade virus nama hampeh. details:
A macro virus that affects Word97 or later documents and templates with no destructive payload.
Typical of macro viruses, Shepmah.A begins by taking some simple precautions to obscure its presence. The virus disables Word's 'macro virus protection', 'prompt to save normal template' and 'confirm conversions on open'.
Shepmah.A also makes the following changes to the File Summary Information of Document Properties:
Author: " DingDang Yang Kiyut "
Title: " Hampehs! What The Hell Is It? "
Subject: " It is other method saying SHIT! "
Comments: " This is only a beginning... wait for the worst to come after Hampehs. It will be much more worst! "
This virus contains no deliberately destructive payload.
Macro Names: DingDang & hampehs
aku rase melayu yang buat virus nih. sebab sokmo melayu la tend to overuse this word. heh heh =P
6. hampehsz.
ade dalam blog aku jer. muahahahahaha :P
tu je la buat masa ni. sebab dah ngantuk sangat, berjaga sepanjang malam. :D lagipun banyak lagi varian hampeh ni on the net, penat woo nak carik (hahahahahampeh)
ThE DeaTh aNd ThE StRaWBeRRy